This is the latest news...
TMB has been upgraded to PHP 8!
7th Sep 2024At the culmination of months of work, I've upgraded TMB to PHP 8! This hugely exciting change will make er, absolutely no difference to your experience of the site :) Still, you know, newer is gooder right?
22nd Nov 2021Last time I looked into this (about 5 years ago) it would have doubled my hosting costs to add a TLS certificate to give https protection for the site. However, I just checked again recently and discovered I get a certificate for free now! Amazing! Incredible! Stupendous!
I have adjusted the htaccess file to redirect all port 80 traffic to https:// so you should see a nice locked padlock in your browser from now on.
Any issues, please let me know.
Merlin's Revenge 3 on YouTube
23rd Apr 2020I've recorded MR3 on in three parts. They'll be released on Fri 24th, Sat 25th and Sun 26th of April at roughly 22:00 GMT. I say roughly because YouTube seems to think I'm in Algiers, which I'm not.
Here's the link for the convenient playlist:
Merlin's Revenge 3 complete playlist
And each video
MR3 part 1
MR3 part 2
MR3 part 3
Merlin's Revenge 2 on YouTube
18th Apr 2020I've managed to struggle my way through Merlin's Revenge 2 and I am not as good at it as I thought I was :)
Still, I did clear all the screens and get to the end so if you'd like to see me struggle - watch the playlist on YouTube
Merlin's Revenge 2 playlist
I had fun playing it again, hope you have fun watching it
Miracle on Metal street
13th Apr 2020Well, now.
A surprising sequence of events has meant that this website is now back up and running.
The hosting company the site is hosted with decided a while ago that php 5 was no longer supported and to upgrade everyone to php 7. This was fair enough but it did mean that TMB crashed. Given enough time I could probably fix it and bring it up to speed but time has been in extremely short supply for me for the last ooooh 8 years or so. So after a while I started doing a simple html page with some kind of log entries in it, just hard coded in.
Then, said hosting company got bought by another hosting company and changed the location of the TMB server. I was staring at a white page and thinking the site just wasn't resolving at all. So I wrote to support and said the site wasn't working and they said "ah yes, it needs php 5.6" and voilá! TMB is back!
I don't how long it will last, but here it is! :DD
I've copied the few log entries I'd on into the news feed below...
Play TMB games again with Pale moon and Rebellion videos on YouTube
5th Apr 2020Very exciting news! You can, if you're so inclined, get this website fully working again on your Windows 10 computer. (Possibly even on your Mac but I don't have one to test it on).
Here's a video about it
Pale Moon browser (scheduled for 10pm GMT - 2020-04-05)
And here's the link I was referring to, with the original information on it.
How can I play shockwave games
And in perhaps, not-quite-so-exciting-but-still-quite-exciting-if-you-ask-me news, here is a video on Rebellion
Rebellion (scheduled for 10pm GMT - 2020-04-06)
MYF C and Rapunzel's escape videos on YouTube
1st Apr 2020I have two more videos scheduled on YouTube
Move your feet c (scheduled for 10pm GMT - 2020-04-03)
Rapunzel's Escape (scheduled for 10pm GMT - 2020-04-10)
Triangle pool MYF A and MYF B videos on YouTube
28th Mar 2020Three more videos are scheduled for release on YouTube
Triangle pool (out now)
Move your feet a (scheduled for tonight at 10pm GMT - 2020-03-28)
Move your feet b (scheduled for tomorrow at 10pm GMT - 2002-03-29)
It was fun playing these games again, especially move your feet b (the one with the horse)
YouTube video of Merlin's Revenge 1
25th Mar 2020I've done the first official TMB video. A playthrough of MR1 with a commentary. It's a bit quiet so turn up the sound and I'll speak louder next time.
I plan to do some more of the games from the site.
Thanks to Hobbes and cjfcjfjc for being so quick with views and comments, it really encouraged me.
Merlin's Revenge 2 exe
15th Feb 2020I've added an exe version of Merlin's Revenge 2. It has the same limitations as the MR1 .exe - no sound, no zoom. No idea why! :(. Oh! one very important point - I've remapped the help key to TAB rather than ESC. ESC quits the game and if I left ESC mapped as the help key then, well, there was no way to quit the game. MR for ever! Like, literally for ever! Well ok, you could still stop it with Task manager. So anyway, when you're saving your game think "TAB, save", "TAB, save" not "ESC, save" or you'll lose your progress. Which would get fairly annoying fairly quickly. Besides all that it's still a way to play it at least! :)