Here are the suggestions people have made for current or future games. If you have a suggestion you would like to appear in this database, you can submit it here.
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Last Comment by steve on 7 Aug 2005 19:47
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_2717]
The new demo rox. Goblins blowin around like fireworks. Anyway, as fun as it was to gather 112 goblins in 1 spot and blow em all to kingdom come at once, it simply made my computer run too slow, but with 64 it was fine so i think 64 is a good limit number bring em on! cant wait for the next demo...keep up the good work.
MR3 Demo 0.04 (1)
Last Comment by steve on 10 Aug 2005 09:45
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_2775]
a sphinx that dosnt move at all and shoots death rays and wind storms from his eyes and mouth. goes in the dessert
sphinx (0)
speed:that is obvious
attack1:mouth windstorm:it stayes out for 10 sec. and if it catches ylu it takes you inside it and does 1 damage every 2 sac that you are in it
attack2:eye death rays: 10 damage
thats all for now
p.s. morsh, your site rocks!
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2779]
Boss A guy on a cloud that can shoot thunder bolts and can summon any monster. Big and power full
zuas (0)
mr3 | music | [Suggestion_2820]
let us presume for a moment that i have some music i'd like to donate to the cause, how do i get it on the ol' pc and emailed to you, steve?
HOW? (2)
Last Comment by Gamefreakguy on 13 Mar 2006 22:34
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_2844]
I know that this is the wrong page to post comments but I can't find out where that page is. Can you please direct me to that page...please?
help me please (1)
And when will the updates take effect on the alpha version? Thank you!!!
Last Comment by steve on 23 Aug 2005 07:41
mr3 | map | [Suggestion_2863]
you should make it so that if you can enter a gold screen the arrows should be gold but then you couldn't tell if the screen had enemies.
gold arrows (0)
mr3 | music | [Suggestion_2867]
To listen/download,
Enemy (1)
click here
I figured out trying to make my own music as a mix, but it's cool. I'm hoping to tone down the snoopy lou.
Last Comment by steve on 25 Aug 2005 11:34
mr3 | game_mechanics | [Suggestion_2872]
I'm not quite sure if this is a bug, but after I "beat" the latest demo, Merlin's mouse-over health bar showed up and didn't go away. I'm not sure whether you even need the mouse-over health in nav mode.
Nav mode health bar? (1)
On a random tangent, [Suggestion_2801] is where Morsh suggested the arrows' little green piece be removed.
Last Comment by steve on 26 Aug 2005 10:41
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_2891]
there should be a screen, where Merlin finds.. A BABY GOBLIN!
Babys arent all that Nice.. (1)
Baby goblin: Goo.
Merlin: move. the black sorcerer is nearby.
Baby goblin: Goo.
*baby goblin gets out a Button*
Merlin: Wha?
*Giant Boxing glove on Metal Rod hits merlin*
Merlin: Ow. well, at least I can heal..
*anvil hits merlin*
Merlin: .... Ow.
*baby goblin gets ready to click button*
Merlin: GAHHH!
And merlin runs off.
Last Comment by lazypuffstone on 29 Jun 2006 13:21
mr3 | friends | [Suggestion_2903]
Like when you get the summon scroll you can summon an ammount of your own monters who follow you.
Followers (1)
Number of monsters
Last Comment by Morsh on 19 Apr 2006 14:44
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_2931]
Merlin: OI WAKE UP!!!!
Possible Dialogue for Demo 0.06 (2)
Ulin: Egad! 'tis a snake!
Merlin: Eh?
Ulin: Aren't you supposed to say 'Thanks very much!'?
Merlin: Er... what are you talkin' about?
Ulin: Oh, yeah. Wrong game. Oops!
Merlin: So then, what cunning plan does that devoloper of ours have in mind?
Ulin: Good news! You've got a new weapon!
Merlin: Really? Great! Is it that Golden Boxing Glove that makes me hit as hard as Frank Bruno?
Ulin: Even better! It's a brand new, state of the art...
Ulin: Sword!
Merlin: Sword ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by El Zilchil on 29 Aug 2005 20:35
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_2938]
when do you think that mr3 will be done
its a question (0)
mr3 | spells | [Suggestion_2940]
a spell that you can use on hard monsters
fire ball spell (16)
you can get the fireball spell by killing 15 fire ninjas or going to there lair (if they make one)
damage: alot
very good against hard monsters
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 3 Jun 2010 23:57
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_2945]
multyplayer!!!!!!!!!! (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2946]
he uses maces two maces the swinging mace an the other one and a mace is a ball with spikes.
Mace Lord (0)
when you are far he uses the swinging one ang when your in close range he uses the normal one.
mr3 | map | [Suggestion_2948]
a place that has fire walls and if merlin touches them he will catch on fire and lose some health thats the bad news but the good news is that there will be lots of medkits
fire ninja lair (0)
when you get two the end you fight the boss fire ninja hes bigger and stronger but slower
mr3 | friends | [Suggestion_2952]
He is a summon. Perhaps after Orc...
Heavy knight (0)
HP:Very high
Recovery rate/cooldown:low
Attack Power:Very High
mr3 | map | [Suggestion_2953]
Map size (0)
mr3 | weapons | [Suggestion_2957]
needsvery low eyestrain, as it misses easily, and good strength to go far,(Bad for Merlin)High damage no matter what...assuming you mannage to hit...though.
Rating: 0.00 in 0 votes
Status: rate
review of version 4.0 (3)