Here are the suggestions people have made for current or future games. If you have a suggestion you would like to appear in this database, you can submit it here.
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Last Comment by Morsh on 23 Apr 2006 01:46
mr3 | power_ups | [Suggestion_2067]
Haste is a TEMPORARY power up that speeds merlin up twice as fast for a while. Leaves a trail of multicolored dots behind that slowly fade.
Haste (4)
Last Comment by Morsh on 22 Jun 2005 18:36
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_3032]
New Features:
Merlin's Revenge Demo 0.22 (9)
The King
Bomb Mage
Merlin: Hello, Ulin
Ulin: Hello, Merlin.
Merlin: Let's play Waste You!
Ulin: You're on.
(Merlin and Ulin blast each other with Energy Blast until they get wasted)
(The "Bad Luck You Got Wasted" screen appears)
Merlin: We must try- Hey! You bumped into me!
Ulin: No you did!
(Merlin and Ulin waste each other again)
( A "Bad Luck You Got Double Wasted" screen appears)
Merlin: We must not let this happen again!
Steve: Wrong!
(Merlin falls into ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by e snipple e on 3 Jul 2008 21:19
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_3034]
Full Title:[To get my sanity (and morshes) back] Merlins girlfriend!! V... (4)
[To get my sanity (and morshes) back] Merlins girlfriend!! Ver 8
Oh, great i just made one.
Last Comment by Donut on 27 Jun 2006 22:23
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1577]
The television set is possessed! The VCR part shoots out videos and it can hit you by ramming into you. Goes along with my teddy bear of doom suggestion.
TV (4)
Last Comment by Morsh on 19 Apr 2006 14:53
mr3 | weapons | [Suggestion_2117]
I think it would be really cool if you could use some sort of spell to summon a special weapon that you could use. They would be pretty powerful and maybe the bigger you charged it, the better the weapon would be. Maybe they would only last for a limited time or something to make it fair. So, what do you think?
Summon Weapons (4)
Last Comment by Morsh on 19 Apr 2006 12:48
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_3465]
I suppose someone suggesting this is kind of going-to-happen, so here goes...
Teleportation (8)
Have you ever found it boring, having to travel back screens and screens to do something? And haven't you considered it odd for Merlin only to use teleportation in cutscenes? Well, here's the way to stop it - the teleportation! This connects with another suggestion I made, to do with maps...anyway, using the map, you can teleport to any screen that you have cleared and save yourself the boredo ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Darren on 12 Aug 2006 17:25
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_3487]
I kind of like the idea for a sea area. What if it was half sea (for the sea monster) and half land (for merlin)??? Also if merlin was on water wouldn't he be really weak (because there's not much defense in a tiny rowboat).
Sea Monster Ver 2 (2)
Last Comment by Darren on 6 May 2006 12:36
mr3 | music | [Suggestion_2081]
In MR3 you should have music for fights and each place(for example,In MR2 if it had music,the scarlet wiz. would have some boss-sounding music and the dead woods where you start would have haunted woodsy music)P.S.I think when you talk to pepl like in the demo,you have voices you hear
got music?(you guys don't!) (9)
Last Comment by osel on 14 Nov 2006 23:02
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2260]
A Giant Raven that swoops down and tries to claw you! What else?
Giant Raven (3)
Last Comment by Jeppo on 29 Jun 2005 13:30
mr3 | friends | [Suggestion_2486]
You can buy pets that will follow you until it dies.
Pets Ver 2 (0)
Blob: See ver 1
HP: 20
Attack: Flies around in the air. Swoops down and pecks an enemy (it can miss), then flies up again. Can catch the enemy and drop him when he is in air. Also, when the enemy lands, it causes damage to nearby enemies (like the sumon wrestler). The damage, range and knockback depends on the weight of the enemy.
Peck: Damage 5, accurary 90%, attack speed 1 hit 4 seconds after the last hit.
Drop: 15 damage, 1 ...[click title to read more]...
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_3343]
remember the webs in MR2? this is the Quadranid that makes them.
Quadranid Weavernid (5)
Last Comment by Tormented Souls on 9 May 2006 12:20
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_3699]
This game would be cool if it was online like there could be a big battling arena with up to 4 people that would be cool :)
Online (7)
Last Comment by Sketch on 24 Jun 2006 21:01
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2295]
Blackguard - The blight of the Black Sorcerer spreads for more deep than the manipulation of wizards. He has tainted the race of man to serve is bidding and thus the Blackguards were born. They are forever bound to serve their master as his personal bodyguards.
Blackguard (1)
Appearance: Human-sized figures that are equipped with black armour and halberd that can perform melee attacks.
Speed: Average
Armor: Extreme
Attack: Good
Form of reproduction: No building type; can be summoned by the Black Sorc ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by AzErT on 15 Jul 2006 07:50
mr3 | power_ups | [Suggestion_1713]
a potion that increases the strength of merlins summoned allies(wont give him new monsters). nothing to much just increases Attack, Defense, Health, and Speed by 5%(if you think it should increase more or less than 5% than just post a comment, Steve will figure it out)
summon potion Ver 2 (4)
Last Comment by alcalientre on 22 Jul 2005 02:05
mr3 | power_ups | [Suggestion_2431]
You'll speed up a bit when you drink this potion.
Green Potion: Speed up (4)
Last Comment by Voronnen on 12 Jul 2005 14:22
mr3 | Minigame! | [Suggestion_3167]
Somewhat like tennis, in skellyball there are two wizards, one on the left had side of the screen and one on the right. There is also a skeleton. The idea is to hit the skeleton with an energy blast so it goes to the other side of the screen, then the other wizard fires at it so it goes back. You lose if you cross over to the other side, or if the skeleton exits stun-lock or dies on your half of the screen.
Skellyball! (4)
Possible additions - the skeleton heals over time
You can only hit it once (like tenn ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Gamefreakguy on 17 Mar 2006 15:28
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_437]
in towns and cities, you see a robber running away from a civilian with a handbag or something. if you wont kill him before he has left the screen, nothing will happen but if you kill him, the robbed civilian will reward you with a potion. here are stats for robbers:
robber (2)
HP: 30
Speed: a little faster than skeleton
Size: a little bigger than skeleton
Weight(how easy it is to knock him back): like skeleton
Special: will always run to the nearest exit, so if you blast him to the north, he will run ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Lord_Murderer on 16 Mar 2005 00:00
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_274]
i think that main menu should have these buttons:________
menu (13)
.......|New Game|
.......|Load game|
.......|Change controls|
PS. The credits are also after the end sequene and after that, a hidden feature!
Last Comment by treehouser on 7 May 2005 09:38
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_404]
mulistage enemies: if you want an enemy/boss to be multistage, when making the scenario you can drag out monsters to their spawn points and then drag another monster on an enemy. then a "popup" will say: make this enemy multistage? and you can click "yes" or "no". that way you can also make enemies multistage. oh, and you can also drag out objects like rocks and trees.
scenario multistage (2)
Last Comment by Darren on 1 Feb 2007 17:04
Rating: 5.00 in 4 votes
Status: rate
Tower level up... (4)