Here are the suggestions people have made for current or future games. If you have a suggestion you would like to appear in this database, you can submit it here.
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Ninja Leader's Stats
Life:Almost Maximum
Speed:Maximum + Can Teleport!!!
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2779]
Boss A guy on a cloud that can shoot thunder bolts and can summon any monster. Big and power full
zuas (0)
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_4321]
Lately I went through a PRK surgical operation, after which I was instructed not to stress my eyes too much, unfortunately, a shortly after the operation I discovered the MR3 demo and having the OCD personality I have I could not stop playing it until I finished it.
It could not have been a good step health wise... I had fun thou...
Now hares the request (suggestion):
In behalf of all the visually ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Darren on 18 Aug 2006 14:41
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1876]
norm.zombies:the living dead!
zombies (1)
HP:medium low
deathsite:zombie spawn point
Hatchet zombies:same as normal zombies but with axes!
HP:medium low
deathsite:zombie spawn point
Last Comment by Jeppo on 11 Aug 2005 20:14
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1024]
A zombie dressed in dak red robes with a black staff. He sends black blasts in the shape of skulls at merlin and his summons. He can also summon skeletons. It takes 8 full powered blasts to kill him. He is one of the stronger enemies.
Zombie Wizard (2)
Last Comment by berlin777 on 2 Apr 2005 00:00
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6070]
An undead dude, easy to kill, but annoying with regeneration abilities.
Zombie Ver 2 (0)
Strengh:medium, hitting you leeches the damage he did to you to his own health
Stamina:fairly low
Speed:what do you think? zombies are SSSLLLOWWW
Special: Randomly says, "brains"
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1260]
Basicly the same thing, but he'd appear if you killed a human, and a necromancer, or some other thing, hit the grave (where the human died) with a spell.
Zombie Ver 2 (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_561]
will come back to when it is dead until all enemies on the screen are dead. comes back after 5-7 sec
zombie Ver 2 (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_501]
A large Goblin, that, if dead long enough, will come back to life.It wields a large, rusty, sword.
Zombie Goblin (0)
Size- 2x that of a goblin
Speed- Slow (It's a zombie)
Range-high (can throw sword)
Side Note- The area that makes more of them is like those goblin huts, but made of stone
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_4665]
Maybe you could have a Zombie enemy, that came back to life after a while if you don't kill them all, or have some kind of thing that revives the zombie. and could suck health from you and your allies.
Zombie (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_720]
it's like a dead person with glowing red eyesand bits of his body are missing .
Zombie (5)
health: medieum
attac: high
defense: low
Last Comment by steve on 18 Apr 2005 09:37
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_560]
An undead dude who will keep on coming bac to live when merlin kills him and he only dies if merlin kill him when he is a really small size.
Zombie (0)
Speed:what do you thing zombies are slow
Special:regeneration after dead until he is small size.
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_49]
enemy: zombie
zombie (0)
health: 21
defence: 1.7 skeleton
attack: fists
damage: 8
knockback radius: 3 merlins
size: 1.2 skeleton
speed: 0.7 skeleton
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_35]
Undead dude who tries to bite you.
Zombie (6)
Last Comment by Darren on 29 Apr 2006 10:56
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2520]
a one time boss if you have played dynastywarriors youll recodnize him.
he uses all the magic in the game and summons a fire dragon
Last Comment by lcglobal on 18 Apr 2006 14:36
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_4129]
flying, horned dragon-demon who fires spelles everywhere
zevi force (0)
mr3 | spells | [Suggestion_4542]
a bolt of lightning that you call down from the sky! Deals random damage to a the opponent that you click on! (only useable if you are holding a staff)(if steve doesnot put in a staff, then tou need 20 red potions)
Zeus Strike (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_2227]
He is a Mage who carries a stick but has amazing power and can control anything that has to do with ice and can shoot you with icicles and freeze you for about 5 sec.
Zetox Mage (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_538]
Health- 250
Zarromat The Brown (7)
Attack- medium
Defense- high
special- Can summon wolves
Last Comment by lcglobal on 18 Apr 2006 14:38
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_937]
Like an ordinary rose except they zap you. They have 10 hit points. Their zaps take as much as a Sarcastic Prince Vulture.
Zapping Rose (3)
Last Comment by Morsh on 27 May 2005 06:27
Rating: 0.00 in 0 votes
Status: rate
Zurkon, Sword of Demise (0)