Here are the suggestions people have made for current or future games. If you have a suggestion you would like to appear in this database, you can submit it here.
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I have been trying to play Merlin's Revenge 2, but have been unable to access it. If the servers are unavailable is there a way you send me a copy of ME2 to play offline? Please email me if you see this message.
Last Comment by steve on 19 Apr 2020 18:16
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_6992]
I bet tons of fans would agree, that Merlin's Revenge would make an amazing portable game. Especially with the increasing popularity of iPhones, iPod Touch's, Android phones, and the new Windows Phone 7. Even if the game went onto the markets at $0.99, I am sure that tons of fans would bye it, and if they leave enough ratings and feedback, we can make Merlin's Revenge the next big hit. Like Angry Birds, Pocket God, or Mega Jump! Plus, the money coming in from the game, could help fund future pro ...[click title to read more]...
Imagine Merlin's Revenge mobile! (71)
Last Comment by ♪ on 15 Jun 2011 14:14
mr3 | bug | [Suggestion_6905]
I have 2 bugs to report
Berlin bug (11)
i crashed the game by using army capture on berlin(i think that who it was)
Last Comment by steve on 29 May 2022 09:01
mr3 | player | [Suggestion_6881]
Implementing this will be a fairly involved process. First, you charge up your spell, then, you hit yourself(or a friend), when hit, the engine will look at the payload, and temporarily change your pName to that the payload, thus changing your image(hopefully), then, it would take a copy of your current weapons list, then replace it with one from the data it collects from the payload(including morph) then you can hit q, and select either the thing's weapon, or morph, and use either.(Some additio ...[click title to read more]...
Morph, as Far as I can Think of It. (14)
Last Comment by ♪ on 20 Nov 2010 20:35
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6372]
Death is well, the grim reaper he will try to destroy you
Death (3)
Last Comment by The master of wizards on 9 Aug 2009 23:11
mr3 | game_mechanics | [Suggestion_6331]
In order for the whole "multiple levels" thing to take place, there should be multiple worlds. And if there are multiple worlds, there should be a level selection. That way, you can go back to levels, get extras, and re-fight some of the previous batlles that you enjoyed earlier. In addition, the XP Bar could benefit from this, because this way, you may have to go back to levels to gain the XP needed to reach max level, instead of simply beating every area, which doesn't add much interest into t ...[click title to read more]...
Different Worlds Ver 3( World Selection) (15)
Last Comment by dyrfmaster on 28 Oct 2009 09:45
mr3 | friends | [Suggestion_6317]
Goblin buddies are harmless but give you potions.
goblin buddies (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6311]
It looks like a small black cat, except if it touches any other enemy, summoned unit or berlin or merlin then it, say it copies berlin or a unit, it replaces that thing and helps you until all other enemies are gone then it begins to attack you, except it has double the hp of the copied thing. These should be extremely rare.
copy cat Ver 2 (0)
Attack= Mirror
Allegiance= Shadow
Attacks= Not attackable until after clearing of area
Death Icon= Mirror Bell
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6310]
It looks like a small black cat, except if it touches any other enemy, summoned unit or berlin or merlin then it, say it copies berlin or a unit, it replaces that thing and helps you until all other enemies are gone then it begins to attack you, except it has double the hp of the copied thing. These should be extremely rare.
copy cat Ver 2 (2)
Hp= double of copied target
Allegiance= none
Attack= mirror
Death Icon= a silver bell
Last Comment by steve on 9 May 2009 01:27
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6308]
It looks like a small black cat, except if it touches any other enemy, summoned unit or berlin or merlin then it, say it copies berlin or a unit, it replaces that thing and helps you until all other enemies are gone then it begins to attack you, except it has double the hp of the copied thing. These should be extremely rare.
copy cat (1)
Last Comment by Gnorthan, king of the nylon green pig people on 6 May 2009 19:29
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_6301]
I was thinking that if any of my ideas for Merlins Revenge are used (Like the Different Worlds one), you should go back to MR3 to alter it so that it is in use there, too. However, if you do decide to do this, remember that you can put this off for as long as you want (like, three years), until you have the time to go back and fix it.
A Little Too Much to Ask... (7)
Last Comment by Darren on 6 May 2009 12:47
mr3 | game_mechanics | [Suggestion_6286]
once you beat every area in that world, the bosse's area appears. Once you beat the boss, you go to the new world. It might be advanced, but it'd rock hard!!!!
Different Worlds Ver 2 (36)
- I'd like to add something to this suggestion. I might think that it would be a better idea if you beat specified sections of the grid ( marked in yellow(or blue or whatever color. I just don't think it's much of a challenge to beat the game when ALL the important areas are marked)), THEN you get to fight the boss. And, instead of aut ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by dyrfmaster on 21 May 2009 04:49
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_6155]
i couldn't post this on the bug tracker thing so... in Merlin 2 with scorin every time you complete a room it gives you like 4179 points
A bug (0)
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6070]
An undead dude, easy to kill, but annoying with regeneration abilities.
Zombie Ver 2 (0)
Strengh:medium, hitting you leeches the damage he did to you to his own health
Stamina:fairly low
Speed:what do you think? zombies are SSSLLLOWWW
Special: Randomly says, "brains"
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_6069]
Okay, I destroyed the suggestion because it was for MR3 and it was a bad idea (What were you thinking Extremedude?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?). Cheers for the release of MR4.
Vampire(with sharp nails) Ver 2 (0)
mr3 | game_mechanics | [Suggestion_6049]
Have a shortcut so you can summon the eight troops all at the same time.
Summoning (0)
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_6037]
A new Superhard difficulty is a must with people already beating MR3 like crazy thanks to this new leveling system.
Superhard Difficulty (0)
It should be really hard, but beatable where every level is a challenge even using your army, berlin, and a boatload of spells.
The battle against Ochre should be near impossible.
You should even add a final-final area with special diolouge and music just for superhard players.
This would probably sate players hunger waiting for all the other games.
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_5994]
Defend da Pie! Ver 4 (0)
since I have nothing better to do, i will actually have a go at making this.
heres a minigame were u must defend the pies from all enemies
Story:one day morsh dreamed about cheese and pies (and cheese pies)
as usual he woke up in a pie factory with pies everywhere factory looks like
pppp.......... ...[click title to read more]...
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_5878]
New Features:
Merlin's Revenge Demo 0.22 Ver 2 (0)
Merlin: Hello, Ulin
Ulin: Hello, Merlin.
Merlin: Let's play smash!
Ulin: You're on.
(Merlin and Ulin blast each other with Elephant Blast until they get wasted)
(The "Bad Luck You Got Qaud Wasted" screen appears)
(berlin enters)
Merlin: We must try- Hey! You bumped into me!
Ulin: No berlin and you did!
(Merlin, Ulin and berlin waste each other )
( A "Bad Luck You Got triple Wasted" screen appears)
Merlin: We must not let this happen again!
Steve: ...[click title to read more]...
mr3 | feedback | [Suggestion_5840]
The errr meep shoots errrs at you and you get cut up by the sharp edges and the sheer annoyingness.
errr meep (0)
range:super duper high
it will annoy you......
Rating: 0.00 in 0 votes
Status: used
Does it still work??? (4)