Here are the suggestions people have made for current or future games. If you have a suggestion you would like to appear in this database, you can submit it here.
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i crashed the game by using army capture on berlin(i think that who it was)
Last Comment by steve on 29 May 2022 09:01
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_7168]
Hello The Metal Box,Does it still work??? (4)
I have been trying to play Merlin's Revenge 2, but have been unable to access it. If the servers are unavailable is there a way you send me a copy of ME2 to play offline? Please email me if you see this message.
Last Comment by steve on 19 Apr 2020 18:16
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_4696]
i think that there should be thengs called meeps,thery look like spiders but they are green and have two fangs an when they hit you they gain 1 heath point. here are are the stats for a green meep.
Meeps (50)
heath:15(+3 per level)
speed:2X faster than merlin
attack:2.5(+0.5 per level)
attack speed: same as a army archer
other1:gains 1 heath per attack
other2:resitantat to pisical attacks(-50%)
other3:vurnuble to magical attacks(+50%)
here are the stats for the blue meep.
heath:3 ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Super_merlin on 9 Oct 2016 19:21
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_3445]
I did a ninja sprite sheet with a katana.
Ninja with Sprite (12)
The way he attack is he winds up while taking a step back then. If the enemy targeted is close he slices them with a two-handed rising slash. If the enemy is farther away he does a short charge and dash attack towards them.
I can add more different animations but I think he looks pretty tight.
Last Comment by megaman4ever on 24 Apr 2016 15:22
mr3 | spells | [Suggestion_3004]
Magazine is a spell that spawns a magazine and enemies near it stare at the pictures of "chicks"
Magazine (14)
The longer you hold the mouse the longer it distracts monsters
Last Comment by ♪ on 23 Jul 2012 17:43
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_3705]
Ok, so MR has p-l-e-n-t-y of teams, and hopefully many more, so it may confuse some of the people who play the game, or they may not even know of their existence, and wonder why Merlin isn't the main target.
Teams...and their members!!! (22)
Solution: A part of the pause menu that has a list of the teams, and when you click a team name it shows you a picture of all the members of that team, along with a little info on the team's background, like "Karate guys don't really trust the Ninjas", or "The Magical Alliance is a powerful ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by The master of wizards on 25 Oct 2011 13:37
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_6992]
I bet tons of fans would agree, that Merlin's Revenge would make an amazing portable game. Especially with the increasing popularity of iPhones, iPod Touch's, Android phones, and the new Windows Phone 7. Even if the game went onto the markets at $0.99, I am sure that tons of fans would bye it, and if they leave enough ratings and feedback, we can make Merlin's Revenge the next big hit. Like Angry Birds, Pocket God, or Mega Jump! Plus, the money coming in from the game, could help fund future pro ...[click title to read more]...
Imagine Merlin's Revenge mobile! (71)
Last Comment by ♪ on 15 Jun 2011 14:14
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1842]
A black, ugly monster made of stone which protects fortresses/castles etc. Jumps from wall to wall at high speed, damaging merlin and other friendlies who get in the way of it. Doesn't intentionally land on the ground. When hit, it falls to the ground and jumps back on the nearest wall.
Gargoyle (4)
(Optional - you can put this bit in or not: It shatters when killed. damaging anyone who gets hit by the debris, including enemies.)
HP: skeleton warrior x2
Size: Slightly bigger than a boulder monster.
Dam ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by Phoenix on 13 Dec 2010 01:14
mr3 | player | [Suggestion_6881]
Implementing this will be a fairly involved process. First, you charge up your spell, then, you hit yourself(or a friend), when hit, the engine will look at the payload, and temporarily change your pName to that the payload, thus changing your image(hopefully), then, it would take a copy of your current weapons list, then replace it with one from the data it collects from the payload(including morph) then you can hit q, and select either the thing's weapon, or morph, and use either.(Some additio ...[click title to read more]...
Morph, as Far as I can Think of It. (14)
Last Comment by ♪ on 20 Nov 2010 20:35
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_14]
Amotonlin the Red was turned back into the Scarlet Wizard at the end of MR2.
Scarlet Wizard (34)
In MR3, you can fight him again, and this time maybe turn him to your side.
Last Comment by ♪ on 23 Oct 2010 13:14
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_4644]
Adding a new element(pardon my pun) the ice community adds similar but mroe difficult elements that provide a more gentel step from the eaasyy frames in the begining to the much harders ones. overall its the goblins and golems made mroe powerful. It would work well with my "ice spell" which would cause merlin to get slowed down.
Ice community (4)
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 13 Oct 2010 21:33
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1975]
Tosses flaming arrows at you. If you get hit by the flaming arrows you take twice the amount of damage a regular arrow would do. If the arrows miss they set some of the screen ablaze. Watch out it spreads. If you get hit by the flames, you'll take 7 damage. Very dangerous in groups.
Flaming Goblin (21)
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 12 Oct 2010 03:49
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_784]
These are the personalities for the wizards in the council:
Wizard's Personalities (13)
Ulin the white: Leader and wiseguy
Garolin the grey: vice leader
Amotonlin the red: ???
Foelin the orange: ???
Flaetorlin the yellow: ???
Verdanlin the green: experiment guy
Merlin the blue: hero
Prestotolin the indigo: ???
Berlin the purple: newsfinder
I know i didnt put in many but im satisfied with the ones i put in. Please tell me what you think about them (if you have time, i'd be happy with a full response)and if you ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 29 Sep 2010 01:36
mr3 | friends | [Suggestion_184]
My plan for Ulin the white was that he should appear on the screen to "drain" the evil wizards. You must keep them occupied while he works.
Ulin The White Ver 2 Drainer (19)
As he drains them, their powers get less. It will take him quite a while to do because he is the only one doing it. If he gets hit while he works, he will teleport out of the screen to heal himself and then teleport back in again to continue.
Last Comment by steve on 27 Sep 2010 13:06
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_2676]
Merlin: Hello Ulin!
Possible Dialogue between Merlin and Ulin for demo 0.05 (9)
Ulin: Hello! Nice work with the goblins in the last demo.
Merlin: It was nothing. I got a little slow when there were about 36 goblins on the screen though. Must be the old age slowing me down.
Ulin: Either that or your user's computer couldn't handle that amount of goblins at once.
Merlin: What???
Ulin: Oh, never mind.
Merlin: So what's new? Can I summon monsters?
Ulin: No, but you can...
Merlin: Can I morph into monsters?
Ulin: No, but you can...
Merlin: Can I bat ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 27 Sep 2010 01:42
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_4569]
An alternative I've thought of to avoid needing Director is to release a binary (.exe) which comes with all the programming, data, graphics and sounds extracted as files. The exe then pulls these files in at runtime and runs the game.
Slightly less open Merlin (16)
- No need for Adobe Director
- No debugging facility, make genuine game development virtually impossible.
- Would only work on Windows machines.
- Would take quite a while to put together.
Actually you know what, this is a bad idea. I'll put ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by steve on 24 Sep 2010 14:02
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_4570]
Now the third idea in the series is to build a completely web based solution to building these games.
Online Game Rendering Engine (OGRE) (17)
All source code, data, graphics etc would be held in databases on the website. Everything would be carefully tagged so we can find out who did what.
You would then construct a game by selecting different elements from the databases. Each game is then a different configuration of the available elements. You can start from someone else's game as shortcut.
Upon completion, a really good ga ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by steve on 23 Sep 2010 15:23
mr3 | game | [Suggestion_870]
it just struck me that we all sit here and make suggestions and comment and vote and read and change, then the game is made, we beat in about 3-4 days, and we begin teh process again.
Eternal (38)
this game should have you be able to once you've defeated whoever the 1st wizard is, still travel, fight monsters, and protect the towns and cities, maybe doin quests for dantheman's king if hes in there. all work an no play makes jack a dull boy, but who cares about him, MR is fun an i hate waitin, now then, if u ...[click title to read more]...
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 21 Sep 2010 04:07
mr3 | spells | [Suggestion_2940]
a spell that you can use on hard monsters
fire ball spell (16)
you can get the fireball spell by killing 15 fire ninjas or going to there lair (if they make one)
damage: alot
very good against hard monsters
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 3 Jun 2010 23:57
mr3 | spells | [Suggestion_2251]
A bolt of lightning will strike at where your mouse points at and will stun the ones in a 1 inch radius circle around the place where the lightning striked. It will take about 7 seconds to charge and will cause 1-5 damage depending where they are. The closer to the middle they are, the more damage they get.
Lightning strike (18)
Last Comment by crazymerlinman321 on 2 Jun 2010 23:49
Rating: 0.00 in 0 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*
Berlin bug (11)