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The Suggestion...

By: Lord_Murderer on 17 Mar 2005
Rating: 4.20 in 5 votes
Status: rate
mr3 | plots_scripts | [Suggestion_784]

Wizard's Personalities

These are the personalities for the wizards in the council:

Ulin the white: Leader and wiseguy
Garolin the grey: vice leader
Amotonlin the red: ???
Foelin the orange: ???
Flaetorlin the yellow: ???
Verdanlin the green: experiment guy
Merlin the blue: hero
Prestotolin the indigo: ???
Berlin the purple: newsfinder

I know i didnt put in many but im satisfied with the ones i put in. Please tell me what you think about them (if you have time, i'd be happy with a full response)and if you got any more personalities.

Child Suggestions

(later versions of this idea)

Wizard's Personalities Ver 2 | Rating: 4.00


17 Mar 2005 [comment_1721]
NEW! steve
I would say that sounds about right.

A couple of extra things that I had thought of but hasn't been made explicit yet:

Garonlin the Grey - Vice Leader, Healer, Scholar
Prestotolin the Indigo - Explorer.

Presto is the most powerful of the wizards - he has been exploring lands that are absolutley miles away and has picked up some strange techniques that allow him a tolerence for much more power than the other wizards. He doesn't turn evil as such, but his morals are sometimes a little hit and miss.

Additionally, I would say that Amotonlin has some creative qualities - as the scarlet wizard he has created som pretty weird creatures.

And that Berlin is more than just a newsfinder, I see him as a warrior-wizard. In battle, he's a bit more hot headed than Merlin - just blasts relentlessly until everything's dead - he's like a beserker wizard.

Not sure about Flaetorlin and Foelin though. Their personalities are still pretty much open.

18 Mar 2005 [comment_1750]
NEW! Lord_Murderer
So Presto is more powerful than Merlin? OK for now, but in later MR's, Merlin should be more powerful.

18 Mar 2005 [comment_1763]
NEW! Voronnen
Evil foelin the orenge:Insane pyromaniac
idunno I thought it sounds funny he should have a fire spell
Good foelin the orenge:Pyromaniac*not insane*

19 Mar 2005 [comment_1808]
NEW! steve
like it!

20 Mar 2005 [comment_1928]
NEW! Lord_Murderer
Steve: Rocks!
Voronnen: Also Rocks!

21 Mar 2005 [comment_1976]
NEW! Max Boose

24 Mar 2005 [comment_2170]
NEW! 11www2
Its Cool

26 Mar 2005 [comment_2317]
NEW! bingo_bob
Flaetorlin the Yellow: Comic Relief and most likely to be heard saying "oops"

27 Mar 2005 [comment_2379]
NEW! Morsh
i like it... the expirment guy, he should replace Ulin in the beginning of my "to the moon" script, since they're experimenting a new catapult

26 Sep 2010 [comment_38331]

28 Sep 2010 [comment_38430]
NEW! The master of wizards
amatolin = guy that always gets the "evil" effect from the BS

in other words it sucks to be him

28 Sep 2010 [comment_38440]
NEW! Super_merlin
Amotolin the Red= The Scarlet Wizard

29 Sep 2010 [comment_38454]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Lol. He becomes evil twice. Ya it does suck to be Amotonlin.

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