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The Suggestion...

By: megaman4ever on 18 Apr 2019
Rating: 5.00 in 1 votes
Status: rate
tmb_website | general | [Suggestion_7170]


To quote Merlin:

See the comments for more. :)


18 Apr 2019 [comment_44565]
NEW! megaman4ever
I'm coming from the future to make this post, so that another soul may receive it in time for the celebration.

Steve's TMB CV reveals that the user creation feature for Suggestion Database was made in 2004, 15 years ago. That's a whole FIFTEEN YEARS! Not even Amazon Web Services has been around for that long!

It's crazy to think that the site and great games are still around. I feel greatly indebted to all the fantastic discussions that have been going in the SDB, as they provided a great platform for learning more about game design, the world, and myself. Cheers to everyone involved!

As a part of celebration, here's a collection of my favorite areas within the website, handily collected into a single Portable Network Graphics image (231.4KB, modem users beware):


And as an added bonus, here's a piece of calligraphy I wrote, to both celebrate the occasion and wish everyone well:

https://i.imgur.com/FaZqa9P.jpg (a whole 7.1MB!!)

Special thanks to Steve and his family.

All the best,

(ninja edit due to timeout)

2 May 2019 [comment_44567]
NEW! Hobbes
This is awesome!! Thanks for putting this up Mega!

Also, Thank you Steve for making this place!! I spent so much time here as a young adult, made friends I'll never forget, and learned a thing or two as well! Life would not have been the same without it!

Thank you again for everything you've done!

14 Mar 2020 [comment_44568]
NEW! steve
Many thanks megaman4ever! Love the calligraphy

11 Jul 2020 [comment_44590]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
hey guys!

12 Nov 2021 [comment_44598]
NEW! steve
Hey crazymerlinman321!

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