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The Suggestion...

By: megaman4ever on 25 Sep 2016
Rating: 5.00 in 1 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*
tmb_website | general | [Suggestion_7166]

Don't load all comments when approving


Turns out that the Ajax script for loading only the most recent comments is not used when approving comments... Which of course makes it necessary to scroll through the entirety of huge suggestions when approving comments.

I'm doubtful this will ever be implemented, but hey, a suggestion DB is for making suggestions, right? ;)

Roadmapped by steve


25 Sep 2016 [comment_44482]
NEW! steve
Well I need to set up a development environment for tmb on my laptop and try to remember the ftp login details lol :) Not insurmountable obstacles by any means...

27 Sep 2016 [comment_44490]
NEW! megaman4ever
Heh, no worries :)

Have you considered turning the TMB site into open source? What problems might there be in doing that?

1 Oct 2016 [comment_44499]
NEW! steve
I have considered that. I would need to set it up so that i could accept code changes into this site without too much time commitment.

But it could be a way to breathe life back into the site

19 Oct 2018 [comment_44557]
NEW! locher
How long is this website going to stay up? Am I speaking into a empty void?

23 Nov 2018 [comment_44559]
NEW! megaman4ever
Not an empty void, but rather a space with time-altering properties such that any responses may or may not be delayed by an inmeasurable amount of time.

16 Jan 2019 [comment_44561]
NEW! Hobbes
I kinda like it though, it reminds me of that sometimes you don't need instantaneous communication.

Very peaceful

14 Apr 2020 [comment_44576]
NEW! merlin1234
That much is true, Especially when you see the conversations over years of time.

The way social media is today it's nice to slow down.

19 Apr 2020 [comment_44577]
NEW! steve
I agree!

Wait, it's only 5 days after the last comment.

Sorry for rushing :)

19 Apr 2020 [comment_44582]
NEW! Super_merlin
Seems like I've caught you within a day! Ah, we're accelerating!

25 Apr 2020 [comment_44585]
NEW! steve
Argh! It took me 6 days to spot this - I'm such a bottleneck

7 May 2020 [comment_44586]
NEW! megaman4ever
Currently adjusting to the new normal where TMB is semi-active again. It's not so bad. :-)

10 May 2020 [comment_44587]
NEW! steve
Yeah I thought I was going to have more time to spend on it with the lock down but with the kids at home, it's not working out like that.

7 Aug 2020 [comment_44591]
NEW! merlin1234
Same boat, thought with the shutdowns I would have more time, Nope!

12 Nov 2021 [comment_44597]
NEW! steve
But now that I'm back in the office, I do have a bit more time - how does that work???

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