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The Suggestion...

By: steve on 13 May 2014
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designPatterns | game | [Suggestion_7139]

Design Patterns: The video game

An evil character (name not decided) has been creating fake Design Patterns in an effort to confuse the good programmers of the world into coding shoddy software!!!

You, the intrepid hero, armed with nothing but your armour (and a massive blade on a chain) must destroy each design pattern and allow the coders of the world to get back to work.

Design Pattern 1 - The cascading womble
A series of platforms. You start at the bottom. A womble is at the top.
The wombles spawns a new version of itself with one property modified (height, width, fire rate, bullet damage) etc.
The new womble appears on the platform below.
The new womble spawns itself on the one below etc.

You must destroy all the wombles.

Design Pattern 2 - The Abstract Invader
A ghosted out space invader patrols the screen - this is the abstract invader and cannot be harmed. As it patrols it instantiates real invaders which can be shot down and can shoot you.
As you shoot down invaders you can collect bits of them which you can fire at the abstract invader to implement it.

If you hit the abstract invader whilst it is in the process of instantiating a new invader it will drop a piece of the instantiation cannon.

Once you have fully implemented the abstract invader and recovered the instantiation cannon you can instantiate the abstract invader and finally do battle with it!

Relationships with other suggestions

megaman4ever says Design Patterns extends this suggestion.


13 May 2014 [comment_44165]
NEW! megaman4ever
Is this, er, like a series of smaller totally different games, or like, a platformer or something with totally different "rooms"?

As for implementing and instantiating the abstract invader - that was hilarious, but will the average gamer get the connection?

I'm still fuzzy on the whole gameplay aspect, but at least the fake design patterns seem awesome :D

13 May 2014 [comment_44166]
NEW! steve
Haha yeah I'm a bit fuzzy on the gameplay myself. I imagine it as more or less separate mini games possibly lent some consistency by using the same player character. Or possibly not :)

14 May 2014 [comment_44167]
NEW! megaman4ever
At any rate, I think the original womble (what does that word mean anyway?) should be at the bottom instead of top, seeing how the changes sound like they should be buffs most of the time rather than nerfs.

14 May 2014 [comment_44169]
NEW! steve
Could do. Could do. The word cascading seems to imply downward movement to me but either way works.

14 May 2014 [comment_44170]
NEW! megaman4ever
I suppose it could be looked in the other way as well - if they were nerfs instead of buffs?

....I guess the gameplay and structure department needs some more clarification in general before fine-tuning the patterns though.

..Pattern four - Not-So-Fine-Tuned Designs of the Past?

15 May 2014 [comment_44171]
NEW! megaman4ever
Wouldn't Unity make the development of a game like this a breeze?

I haven't had a close look at how it works, but it does look fairly handy.

17 May 2014 [comment_44172]
NEW! steve
I assume so. But like you I have not had much experience with it yet.

17 May 2014 [comment_44173]
NEW! megaman4ever
I suppose everything starts from having smooth good-looking animations, though.. Do you have a sprite-style or something resemblant of general Flash games or something totally different in mind?

18 May 2014 [comment_44174]
NEW! steve
Well for me it's always retro style bit maps with big pixels :)

18 May 2014 [comment_44175]
NEW! megaman4ever
8x8 sprites for a nice retro-ey feel? :D

19 May 2014 [comment_44176]
NEW! steve
Err ooh cripes! Maybe 16x16 :)

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