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The Suggestion...

By: megaman4ever on 11 Sep 2013
Rating: 5.00 in 1 votes
Status: rate
tmb_website | general | [Suggestion_7134]

Yay! An oversight, waiting to be fixed!

"Showing new stuff from 2012-09-11 16:13:31"


"There have been 4210 plays of Merlin Evolution since your last login."

My last login was quite a bit more recently than in 2012. Since the time is available in a handy format, the log in screen could use that if the user specifies to show new stuff since some other point of time than their last login.

...Wow, what a minor thing to make a suggestion about. Now I feel like a nitpicker. I miss Hobbes and Super_merlin.


11 Sep 2013 [comment_43966]
NEW! steve
Lol good spot!

10 Nov 2013 [comment_44044]
NEW! Super_merlin
D'awwww :) So, life happened, I became addicted to reddit, school is a thing, and, to quote a famous pharaoh from a not-so-famous movie, I have come back to life! (Night of the Museum 2, for the curious) Glad to see some of you are still alive and kicking!

11 Nov 2013 [comment_44045]
NEW! merlin1234

11 Nov 2013 [comment_44046]
NEW! megaman4ever
Whoah, I wonder what is this "life" thing you're talking about.

Will you be staying around for a while or was this just a completely random visit? Merlin Created is cool, go check it out!

11 Nov 2013 [comment_44047]
NEW! merlin1234
What is merlin created?

11 Nov 2013 [comment_44048]
NEW! megaman4ever

Basically, it's Merlin Evolution's engine, except you play user-designed maps.

12 Nov 2013 [comment_44050]
NEW! steve
Yeah bit of a wierd name i admit. It's human created maps rather than evolved ones.

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