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So the reason I did this is mostly because of the following.
I and some friends decided to create a new game from scratch, combining various elements from certain other games and stuff like that. We decided to go with Java, since the game is simple enough and both of us programmers are decent at it.
The problem is that neither of us wants to do the implementation of a GUI. I'm thinking we'd use Swing since all we really need are drawing images and text and listening to button events. Are there any "less painstaking" ways to go around it, however?
There also are some complications with setting up the project - we don't have a version management system and are wondering whether we'll even need one. However, I'd like to ask the more experienced people whether we should definitely set up a git repository, regardless of what we're doing. The thing is, I doubt that we'll work on the same files much, since we've done a very clear division of the work.
Lastly, I wanted some input on what would be the best way to go around distributing the game, if it some day gets completed? We're planning on it being a closed-source commercial indie game (price range <$5). Are there any things to keep in mind to especially prevent efficiently doing reverse-engineering, memory injections or other ways to gain unfair advantage and p2p-distribution?
I and some friends decided to create a new game from scratch, combining various elements from certain other games and stuff like that. We decided to go with Java, since the game is simple enough and both of us programmers are decent at it.
The problem is that neither of us wants to do the implementation of a GUI. I'm thinking we'd use Swing since all we really need are drawing images and text and listening to button events. Are there any "less painstaking" ways to go around it, however?
There also are some complications with setting up the project - we don't have a version management system and are wondering whether we'll even need one. However, I'd like to ask the more experienced people whether we should definitely set up a git repository, regardless of what we're doing. The thing is, I doubt that we'll work on the same files much, since we've done a very clear division of the work.
Lastly, I wanted some input on what would be the best way to go around distributing the game, if it some day gets completed? We're planning on it being a closed-source commercial indie game (price range <$5). Are there any things to keep in mind to especially prevent efficiently doing reverse-engineering, memory injections or other ways to gain unfair advantage and p2p-distribution?
Good suggestion!
I think setting up a gift repo is a must. You'll find it really handy to have even if you are well enough organised not to actually need it.
But it's not something you have to do straight away. You can do it any time in the project's life. No idea how to handle GUI s in Java I'm afraid. I'm still not very good at Java. Only really been using it for few months as part of the course I'm doing.
If you can design the game so that membership to your server is preferable, you can charge for that and give the client away for free.
I think setting up a gift repo is a must. You'll find it really handy to have even if you are well enough organised not to actually need it.
But it's not something you have to do straight away. You can do it any time in the project's life. No idea how to handle GUI s in Java I'm afraid. I'm still not very good at Java. Only really been using it for few months as part of the course I'm doing.
If you can design the game so that membership to your server is preferable, you can charge for that and give the client away for free.
Steve, I was just going on a nostalgia trip a few hours ago and then I refresh the page and see you've posted a comment. Awesome.
I don't know what to say. Back then all I had was a Mac laptop that could barely run many games but browser ones, and I really loved Merlin's Revenge. I'm starting to have flashbacks now about all the cool things, and when I first managed to beat the final boss of the first game.
I actually think Merlin's Revenge may have been the first video game I've ever completed.
Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex are video games that I admire and am inspired by now, they're tied for best game of all time in my books, but I may never have played either if it wasn't for you getting me more interested in difficult video games that had a story, even a basic one, and weren't only for simple entertainment.
I should probably pick up the C++ book that's been gathering dust and start learning again. I've been tinkering away with the Unreal Development Kit as well, and the LOVE framework, along with achieving some competence in 3D modeling with Blender, as well as some 2D spriting and general texturing, UV mapping, the like.
Though I don't have the idea that I could make a living off of it, game developing is now my passion. It probably always was to some degree, but I may never have gotten more serious about it if not for the chain of dominoes you set off. I plan on going to college for computer science, if only so I'll be better at developing video games, along with hopefully being able to have a job with my degree as well.
Heh, I'm not even up to college at this point in my life and I'm getting all nostalgic, if this website is still up ten years from now I may die from the nostalgia.
Man, Last Stand having over 300 plays on iTunes? I wouldn't have those play counts anymore, but that's 3 times the play count of my current "most listened song". Today I downloaded and listened to it again, first time I listened to that song in over 2 years, maybe even 4.
Thank you. I don't know if you remember me, I wasn't one of the most prolific posters (though I may have been one of the most annoying), but thank you.
Now I just have to figure out how to get back into my AOL account and the trip down memory lane will be complete.
I don't know what to say. Back then all I had was a Mac laptop that could barely run many games but browser ones, and I really loved Merlin's Revenge. I'm starting to have flashbacks now about all the cool things, and when I first managed to beat the final boss of the first game.
I actually think Merlin's Revenge may have been the first video game I've ever completed.
Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex are video games that I admire and am inspired by now, they're tied for best game of all time in my books, but I may never have played either if it wasn't for you getting me more interested in difficult video games that had a story, even a basic one, and weren't only for simple entertainment.
I should probably pick up the C++ book that's been gathering dust and start learning again. I've been tinkering away with the Unreal Development Kit as well, and the LOVE framework, along with achieving some competence in 3D modeling with Blender, as well as some 2D spriting and general texturing, UV mapping, the like.
Though I don't have the idea that I could make a living off of it, game developing is now my passion. It probably always was to some degree, but I may never have gotten more serious about it if not for the chain of dominoes you set off. I plan on going to college for computer science, if only so I'll be better at developing video games, along with hopefully being able to have a job with my degree as well.
Heh, I'm not even up to college at this point in my life and I'm getting all nostalgic, if this website is still up ten years from now I may die from the nostalgia.
Man, Last Stand having over 300 plays on iTunes? I wouldn't have those play counts anymore, but that's 3 times the play count of my current "most listened song". Today I downloaded and listened to it again, first time I listened to that song in over 2 years, maybe even 4.
Thank you. I don't know if you remember me, I wasn't one of the most prolific posters (though I may have been one of the most annoying), but thank you.
Now I just have to figure out how to get back into my AOL account and the trip down memory lane will be complete.
I think I meant to actually address this topic somewhere in there, but I got caught up. As for memory injections, unless it's a multiplayer game that doesn't really matter. If someone buys your game and wants to mess it up or cheat, it's too much trouble to try and stop them from doing so. You could try obfuscating the values, but on the other hand, if it's singleplayer, who cares how they want to experience the game? No need to hamper potential playstyles, even if they're not kosher.
If it's a multiplayer game, you'll already need netcode, and you can just have the values they'd be changing server-side instead of client-side.
If singleplayer with online high scores, I would only let gameplay done with an internet connection verifying the gameplay be eligible for the high score table.
If you're talking about piracy, don't bother. DRM is a sinkhole, and if billion-dollar corporations can't manage to make their product safe from piracy, no one can. DRM on games with the "best" DRM there is can be cracked literally the first day it's out, and typically within a week or two at the most. It's just to make executives feel like they're doing something that DRM exists at all. Especially internet-based DRM, where the game checks with the internet to make sure you have a legal copy. This will be easily cracked and make the game higher quality for the piraters, while leaving legitimate players with a hampered copy that will stop working if they don't have access to an internet connection.
Of course, if it's a multiplayer game, that's a different story and you'd have "DRM" built in through the fact that the game wouldn't work with the main central server if you didn't have a legitimate copy, and you wouldn't be alienating your customers since you'd have a legitimate reason to need continuous, inadvertent, internet verification. I actually wouldn't recommend working on a multiplayer game unless you've completed at least one more project beforehand, if only to have the first-hand experience under your belt that will help with headaches massively, so you don't have to be dealing with figuring out the snags of a game and figuring out the snags of multiplayer, which can be devilish to implement, all at once. Though, of course, you never said anything about multiplayer so this paragraph may not apply to you. Lots here may not apply to you, I dunno.
As for reverse engineering, that's not too much a concern. Once you compile code, it's very troublesome to try and "uncompile" it and see what it was made of. Like unmixing cake batter. However, there are most likely code obfuscation tools you can look into if you'd like. There's a reason "open-source" projects with the source code available are such a big deal though, because illegal or otherwise there's not really a true way to get reverse engineer the source code out of a compiled program.
When you compile something, you're basically translating it into an extremely complicated unreadable version of the code, that's easier for computers to execute. It would be like untying a massive tangled knot that allows you to pull certain string ends sticking out to perform certain calculations, outputted by having other string ends twitch in certain ways, and while untying this behemoth, trying to figure out how it worked to begin with.
If it's a multiplayer game, you'll already need netcode, and you can just have the values they'd be changing server-side instead of client-side.
If singleplayer with online high scores, I would only let gameplay done with an internet connection verifying the gameplay be eligible for the high score table.
If you're talking about piracy, don't bother. DRM is a sinkhole, and if billion-dollar corporations can't manage to make their product safe from piracy, no one can. DRM on games with the "best" DRM there is can be cracked literally the first day it's out, and typically within a week or two at the most. It's just to make executives feel like they're doing something that DRM exists at all. Especially internet-based DRM, where the game checks with the internet to make sure you have a legal copy. This will be easily cracked and make the game higher quality for the piraters, while leaving legitimate players with a hampered copy that will stop working if they don't have access to an internet connection.
Of course, if it's a multiplayer game, that's a different story and you'd have "DRM" built in through the fact that the game wouldn't work with the main central server if you didn't have a legitimate copy, and you wouldn't be alienating your customers since you'd have a legitimate reason to need continuous, inadvertent, internet verification. I actually wouldn't recommend working on a multiplayer game unless you've completed at least one more project beforehand, if only to have the first-hand experience under your belt that will help with headaches massively, so you don't have to be dealing with figuring out the snags of a game and figuring out the snags of multiplayer, which can be devilish to implement, all at once. Though, of course, you never said anything about multiplayer so this paragraph may not apply to you. Lots here may not apply to you, I dunno.
As for reverse engineering, that's not too much a concern. Once you compile code, it's very troublesome to try and "uncompile" it and see what it was made of. Like unmixing cake batter. However, there are most likely code obfuscation tools you can look into if you'd like. There's a reason "open-source" projects with the source code available are such a big deal though, because illegal or otherwise there's not really a true way to get reverse engineer the source code out of a compiled program.
When you compile something, you're basically translating it into an extremely complicated unreadable version of the code, that's easier for computers to execute. It would be like untying a massive tangled knot that allows you to pull certain string ends sticking out to perform certain calculations, outputted by having other string ends twitch in certain ways, and while untying this behemoth, trying to figure out how it worked to begin with.
Welcome back mr$! I've given you the comment approver ability on here. It's really just so your comments will appear instantly on the site, without approval.
Nice to hear all the memories!
Glad you got into game development, l think it's the best game of all. :-)
Nice to hear all the memories!
Glad you got into game development, l think it's the best game of all. :-)
For some particularly odd reason I had a nostalgia rush today as well - I checked out every one of my own suggestions and woah, was there quite a bit of emotion involved. It was inspirating and I felt like blowing some more life to this place. :)
I was wondering whether comment approvers also are able to approve suggestions? If not, why?
Hello there, mr$! I do somewhat recall you, but not very clearly. Thanks for the nostalgic memories and your input :p Right now our project is still in a very versatile state; we haven't dicussed the exact game mechanisms in detail much. However, we are planning to include the idea of having online leaderboards even though it's a single player game. There are also a variety of small online modes in the whiteboard state. I feel like pure offline singleplayer is not what we want - it would be better to have online interaction on some level. Additionally, I cannot make choices like whether to include online interaction or not on myself either.
However, it would be nice for the users to be able to enjoy the game even without an internet connection in my opinion. I suppose it will need more novel solutions to achieve; in the style of playing alone and then being able to submit highscores and other data when connected. Possibly obfuscating save files from end users and then requiring them to connect at least once online with a legitimate copy of the game to activate it would make for the desired effect. However, it has two weaknesses; it leaves random data on the users' computers which is partly undesired but not a big problem. The other end of users - those with a capability to locate such obfuscated files files and to modify them could easily distribute an offline version of the game or gain an unfair advantage.
I suppose that the problems aren't that big though, seeing how there's so much random data on peoples' computers anyway and how small a minority the other end of users would be.
I was wondering whether comment approvers also are able to approve suggestions? If not, why?
Hello there, mr$! I do somewhat recall you, but not very clearly. Thanks for the nostalgic memories and your input :p Right now our project is still in a very versatile state; we haven't dicussed the exact game mechanisms in detail much. However, we are planning to include the idea of having online leaderboards even though it's a single player game. There are also a variety of small online modes in the whiteboard state. I feel like pure offline singleplayer is not what we want - it would be better to have online interaction on some level. Additionally, I cannot make choices like whether to include online interaction or not on myself either.
However, it would be nice for the users to be able to enjoy the game even without an internet connection in my opinion. I suppose it will need more novel solutions to achieve; in the style of playing alone and then being able to submit highscores and other data when connected. Possibly obfuscating save files from end users and then requiring them to connect at least once online with a legitimate copy of the game to activate it would make for the desired effect. However, it has two weaknesses; it leaves random data on the users' computers which is partly undesired but not a big problem. The other end of users - those with a capability to locate such obfuscated files files and to modify them could easily distribute an offline version of the game or gain an unfair advantage.
I suppose that the problems aren't that big though, seeing how there's so much random data on peoples' computers anyway and how small a minority the other end of users would be.
Mr$ ....? Older than me on Tmb??? IMPOSSIBLE...
I just didnt make an account till 2009 i think...
Sorry this has nothing to do with this suggestion.
Ahh it kind of does.
I showed this site and MR to all the people in my class today that got me kind of nostalgic too. I was talking about how to do collision detection. (I found this one the hardest parts of making the games.)
I showed this site and MR to all the people in my class today that got me kind of nostalgic too. I was talking about how to do collision detection. (I found this one the hardest parts of making the games.)
I was 11 or 12 when I made account and was doing some game maker stuff around that time. Currently using Kodu and made this rpg game. Bloody thing is easy as hell but great for people needing to learn the basics of game making.
Kodu looks pretty cool from the main page. shame it's xbox/pc only.
I was looking at scratch as well with a view to teaching my daughter when she's old enough. It's pretty nice too.
I was looking at scratch as well with a view to teaching my daughter when she's old enough. It's pretty nice too.
I recall some people at my school hyping scratch, but I'd suppose that "real" "languages" would be preferable to gimmicky ones.
Somehow recently some first-years in the very same school have gathered to do some nerdy stuff and show off their programming skills. It's pretty interesting to observe and I'm glad that programming isn't dying out even around here.
Somehow recently some first-years in the very same school have gathered to do some nerdy stuff and show off their programming skills. It's pretty interesting to observe and I'm glad that programming isn't dying out even around here.
Absolutely and I wonder if it's the right thing to introduce a child to an 'easy' programming language first before a 'proper' one. Sometimes it's harder to start again with a new language once you are already competant in another. For example I've always struggled to learn Java because I could already do everything I need to in php/Lingo/javascript so I did't have the motivation. (Maybe changing now, though ;) )
Perhaps it's better to start them on a 'real' language like Java but do the complicated bits for them and let them do the fun/easier bits.
Perhaps it's better to start them on a 'real' language like Java but do the complicated bits for them and let them do the fun/easier bits.
There's the possibility of using libraries to make things simpler as well, depending on objective. That way the ease and learning is combined; you can immerse in the syntax while doing simple things to achieve high-level results.
Of course, there's the problem of switching to making things from scratch as opposed to using the same library..
I suppose something like Game Maker could also be used (I don't know how much Scratch resembles it though, if at all) and then if an interest sparks, introduce her to a proper language. I suppose that using analogues like the one of lingo to soften it up also helps since it makes things more absolute and concrete as opposed to abstract and difficult to grasp.
Of course, there's the problem of switching to making things from scratch as opposed to using the same library..
I suppose something like Game Maker could also be used (I don't know how much Scratch resembles it though, if at all) and then if an interest sparks, introduce her to a proper language. I suppose that using analogues like the one of lingo to soften it up also helps since it makes things more absolute and concrete as opposed to abstract and difficult to grasp.
I attempted MR Evo and it was the most confusing "game" I've seen so far. The concept seems really cool but it would be better if Merlin was actually generated, or if the point is to watch a battle, it could be better balanced that one sword goblin versus a necromancer or the like. It also was interesting to see an out-of-place tile of a castle pop up; perhaps the terrain generator could be more, I dunno, intricate?
I'll assume that this is an early build; it seems like a very interesting idea and has some cool details but lacks a lot of things. If it was playable and balanced, it could be awesome..
So, erm, what actually IS the MR Evolution?
I attempted MR Evo and it was the most confusing "game" I've seen so far. The concept seems really cool but it would be better if Merlin was actually generated, or if the point is to watch a battle, it could be better balanced that one sword goblin versus a necromancer or the like. It also was interesting to see an out-of-place tile of a castle pop up; perhaps the terrain generator could be more, I dunno, intricate?
I'll assume that this is an early build; it seems like a very interesting idea and has some cool details but lacks a lot of things. If it was playable and balanced, it could be awesome..
So, erm, what actually IS the MR Evolution?
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Developing games