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The Suggestion...

By: on 20 Mar 2011
Rating: 5.00 in 2 votes
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new_games | general | [Suggestion_6994]

Cell game!

There would be cells, which are in battle, so to speak, with bigger cells eating the smaller(maybe giving the small ones advantages now and then) When two cells meet that are roughly the same size, they would bounce off of one another.

Tipping the balance will be particulates, which would consist of three different varieties: positive(green), negative(red) and neutral(yellow). Absorbing positive bubbles would help you grow bigger quickly, neutral would be normal, and negative will cause you to shrink. Large chunks of said materials would be situated around the map, with the particulates breaking off and dispersing out. (Their motion will also be affected by nearby cells moving around, like getting drawn into the tail of where the cell is moving) Cells will then have a boids-like style of ai, trying to move towards the green and yellow areas, along with smaller cells, while trying to avoid the reds and bigger cells. Flocks!


20 Mar 2011 [comment_41399]
NEW! steve
Sounds good! Monday! Desk!

20 Mar 2011 [comment_41402]
Make that next Monday, and its a can do! I think I've got most of what's needed by writing a clone of eskiv a couple days ago.

21 Mar 2011 [comment_41404]
NEW! steve

21 Mar 2011 [comment_41405]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Sounds awesome! Which program(s) must I download to play this wonderful game of yours?

21 Mar 2011 [comment_41410]
I've currently got code for it in c#, and am writing it towards windows and my mp3 player.

I'll probably port it around onto java afterwards, so you may not be needing anything!

22 Mar 2011 [comment_41413]
NEW! crazymerlinman321

22 Mar 2011 [comment_41414]
NEW! megaman4ever
May I get the source code when done? I might like to see what C# looks like, and also get around to trying to rewrite it with Java. (obviously port it yourself as well, I just want to get a feeling on porting C# to Java and how similar they are - plus I might not have the time either to do a full rewrite)

22 Mar 2011 [comment_41415]
How's about my eskiv code to start with.


Mind you, it won't run on windows without some changes. Namely, said changes need to occur in Player.cs, and any references to touchPanel touchCollection, et al need their logic changed to run with a keyboard.

I'm really going to factor that out into a dpad class, which returns a normalized 2d vector.

22 Mar 2011 [comment_41417]
hmm, this might take a little longer: I'm going to write up some custom data structures, so an object can add and remove itself from a linked list quickly. Effectively each object will have a reference to the node it's stored in, then, it can pull itself out of the map, then ask the map to put it in its new spot.

23 Mar 2011 [comment_41420]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Just a few more things, what is...
Et al?
Player.cs(Is it like one of the files inside the big file that you download?)
Dpad Class

That would be all.

23 Mar 2011 [comment_41421]
et al.:and similar
eskiv: ->take a look on google.
and don't bother with the rest of it yet.

23 Mar 2011 [comment_41427]
NEW! Super_merlin
I can give a few.

player.cs - Yup, that's a file. the .cs extension indicates that it's a C# file.
Porting - Let's say you have a game that was written to run on Windows. There's also a version that runs on Linux. The Linux version is called a "Port". The process of making a port is called porting. In other words, adapting something to something else.

23 Mar 2011 [comment_41430]
Data structure = working.(I'm debating whether it's possible to get some timestamping(That is to say, tack a time onto each node for when it was last updated) done to reuse old search lists though. It's probably not.) Also, probably trivial to port!

24 Mar 2011 [comment_41457]
Any chance I could get some cell artwork?

Ideally, for the moment, I'd like circles, in greyscale, with white outlines.(I'm putting colour into it with code)

What I need is a bunch of cell drawings that look roughly the same, but of increasing size, so, from a radius of 5 for the lowest, all the way up to a radius of 30 maybe? (that's 10 across, up to 60 across) Maybe a drawing for every 5 pixels difference in radius? That's a good 6 drawings.

25 Mar 2011 [comment_41464]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
I will start that mission Note. I'll finish it by Saturday or even today.

25 Mar 2011 [comment_41467]
if it helps, what I'm currently using is the ball.png from the eskiv code. You can find it in the content folder.

25 Mar 2011 [comment_41468]
To clarify, I'm looking for square images(that has the cell image in it, which is likely a circle) that are 10x10,20,20,30x30,40x40,50x50,60x60... for as many as you'd like to make. They will look best if they are all effectively the same pic, but zoomed in/out. (This is to keep the cells from looking like they've been resized in paint, like all fuzzy and stuff)

25 Mar 2011 [comment_41472]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Ok thanks.

26 Mar 2011 [comment_41474]
Hmm: so, right now, I've got most of the cell work finished, and I've got them coloured randomly. What I'm about to get done is where one cell eats another, but I'm debating whether or not I should have the colours meld together to some extent as well. For instance, if a blue cell eats a bunch of yellow cells, should it turn green? (Oh wait, these are in rgb: if a blue cell eats a bunch of greens, should it turn yellow?)

I'm thinking I could do a weighted average of the before cell's colours, though eventually, they would start adding up to gray.(They would never get high enough to be white, I think)

On the other hand, I could easily just not bother with colour changing.

26 Mar 2011 [comment_41477]
I suppose I should add to the gfx department: they don't necessarily need to look like cells.

26 Mar 2011 [comment_41478]
... this is now going to be a sort of rts, where you are trying to make everything the same colour as yourself. (I just need to make things able to split, and this should work pretty well.)

27 Mar 2011 [comment_41479]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Yeah, I don't think you should do the color-changing.

27 Mar 2011 [comment_41480]
Decision-made! (Well, really, that happened when deciding to make it rts-y)

27 Mar 2011 [comment_41489]
... this might become somewhat galcon-like.

Things left to do:
-some kind of player (either controlling a single cell, or being able to order cells around)
-if this becomes like galcon, enemy ai/controllers
-drawing some kind of background image. Probably with a nice big circle around it to demark an edge of the map.
-if this becomes Galcon, some method of creating/editing levels, along with loading/resetting the map

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41491]
Hurrah! My gfx are starting to take some nice shapes.

I'll post all my attempts so far tmw.

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41492]
NEW! crazymerlinman321

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41495]
Assuming that I haven't messed up any of these img tags, this should be some screenshots(though they are not as bright as when it's actually playing) and all the artwork so far, in no particular order.(They're alphabetically ordered) The most current versions are the ones with black backgrounds(done so they don't look like white splotches)

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41496]
I think I might need to draw one more cell size up.

What I'm thinking of doing here is to draw many versions of cells somewhat similar to the current ones(I'll post em as I draw) With various differences to demark different types of cells. I'm thinking of making the player controlled cell glow.

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41497]
NEW! Super_merlin
Quite nice!

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41498]

I've drawn up a couple more, which are the nicest yet!

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41499]
NEW! Super_merlin
If I may make a suggestion, I'd recommend making the shapes more irregular. Instead of perfect circles, add a few deformations and such.

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41501]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Indeed, they should be irregular-shapped. Otherwise, great job!

28 Mar 2011 [comment_41502]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Huh, weird. Didn't see that.

29 Mar 2011 [comment_41505]
NEW! steve
Looks good!

29 Mar 2011 [comment_41508]
I suppose I should write in some animation code.

I don't really want to work out non circle-circle collisions though, so these irregularly shaped ones will approximate circles:P

I'm thinking that there will be smaller, spiky cells that automatically cause what they hit to split once(So you need to be twice as big to absorb one) and some that grow and shrink over time.

However, for the moment, I'm trying to think of how to draw rocks and whatnot.

5 Apr 2011 [comment_41539]
NEW! steve
Cleaned crazy's comment again. Weird virus that.

5 Apr 2011 [comment_41540]
It's clever.

6 Apr 2011 [comment_41544]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Thanks again Steve!

6 Apr 2011 [comment_41546]
NEW! steve
Yes it is quite clever isn't it?

No problem crazy, I see you've cleaned it up now or you're on a different computer.

9 Apr 2011 [comment_41566]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Yup, got a new computer. Big Samsung laptop, Windows 7 Premium Nvidia Optimus. :)

18 Apr 2011 [comment_41619]
I think that tomorrow, ezkiv will be coming down(spring cleaning). DL while you might!

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