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The Suggestion...

By: on 24 Jan 2011
Rating: 5.00 in 1 votes
Status: rate
new_games | general | [Suggestion_6955]


This is a game I started around the end of December, and its getting not too far away from completion(at least on the zHD platform, I'm thinking that I'll probably try and port it to Android later)

It is a Shift-inspired puzzle platformer where you can change the direction of gravity by rotating(ie, TILT-ing) device around.


24 Jan 2011 [comment_40951]
Fireworks-made screen shot:

I think the resolution is off, so it's a bit big in comparison to the screen, and no such room currently exists.

25 Jan 2011 [comment_40954]
NEW! Darren
Looks interesting!

25 Jan 2011 [comment_40956]
I just got the rotation to work nicely.

It took quite a lot of work, and a fair amount of paper as well!

25 Jan 2011 [comment_40963]
Hello world:

There is now a download link(I'm assuming that its okay with steve?) here

Its got most of the basic elements done and whatnot.

Still to do:
-a bunch of stuff.

26 Jan 2011 [comment_40965]
NEW! steve
Looks interesting! How do I run it?

And yes, it's fine to post it here!

26 Jan 2011 [comment_40967]
You unfortunately need a zune :(

I'd like to port it into android though, for anyone who has one(possibly myself, one day)

26 Jan 2011 [comment_40969]
NEW! Super_merlin
The SDK is free, and comes with an emulator.

26 Jan 2011 [comment_40970]
oh right, phones!

28 Jan 2011 [comment_40972]
Could tilt get a section, btw?

28 Jan 2011 [comment_40973]
NEW! Super_merlin
I wish some people would come back.

It's rather lonely with just you and me.

28 Jan 2011 [comment_40974]

28 Jan 2011 [comment_40975]
NEW! Super_merlin
This is fun.

I bought a Mac Snow Leopard DVD a while back, figuring I might try to Hackintosh it later on.

Of course, in my stupidity, soon afterwords I bought my hexacore AMD processor, along with new motherboard and a few other things. So no Hackintosh for me.

So, instead, I've installed it in VirtualBox. Although I'm stuck at 1280x1024 with no 3D acceleration. Oh well, It's fun to play with.

In fact, I'm typing this from Snow Leopard.

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40976]
Would the 3D acceleration really matter on a mac?

I know someone who tried similar last year.
The hackintosh just killed his computer.

Otherwise, cool!

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40977]
NEW! steve
Well I don't have a Zune but I do have an Android phone. It's running version 1.5 though, which is hideously out of date. I keep promising myself a newer one. One day, one day.

I hear the Acer Aspire One is good for making into a Hackintosh, something to do with the BIOS. Maybe you could pick one up cheap. It's against Apple's EULA to run their OS on anything other than an "Apple branded computer". So make sure you get an apple logo sticker and stick it on whatever computer you run it on ;)

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40979]
NEW! steve
I'm sorry I haven't been on more by the way. Just had a lot of stuff to deal with lately, and it doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon.

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40980]
NEW! Super_merlin
It's for the Mac Compositing engine more than anything.

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40982]
NEW! steve
I'm writing this on Linux Mint Debian which I have installed on a usb stick. I am loving it so far!

It is a very good looking distro. I might have to get a bigger usb stick to run it from though!

29 Jan 2011 [comment_40983]
NEW! Super_merlin
I've heard loads of goodness for it, but I really need a bigger hard drive.

That, and I don't see how anything can beat arch.

Right now, I triple boot Windows 7 for games, Arch for daily use, and Ubuntu for times when Arch dies.

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40984]
NEW! steve
Yeah I've heard loads of goodness for Arch but never tried it so far.

Like Arch, the Linux Mint Debian is a rolling release. The USB stick thing isn't really working out for me - it doesn't remember my changes. But I am impressed enough with Linux Mint that I am going to replace Ubuntu with it on one of regular machines.

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40985]
NEW! Super_merlin
Well, I just had to wipe Windows 7. I couldn't get it to deal with the AMD Switch. I jusr really hope the Steam games I backed up still work. A 5GB download is not a good thing when your speed is 100KiB a second, and the weekly throttle limit is also 5GB.

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40986]
NEW! Super_merlin
Oh, and just my luck. The copy of Windows 7 Family Pack I borrowed from someone was an upgrade. Since I formatted the old copy before I reinsatlled it, it won't activate.

Time to crack the activation!

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40987]
NEW! Hobbes
What Steam games you play?

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40988]
NEW! Super_merlin
I never actually download things through Steam, as my internet's too slow.

So, all I have is Civilization V, Portal, and I'll be buying Portal 2 whenever it comes out.

Internet. Internet. My heart for the Internets.

30 Jan 2011 [comment_40989]
NEW! megaman4ever
Yeah, I still visit daily, but you know.

Exam week.

31 Jan 2011 [comment_40995]
NEW! steve
I heard some rumours of Steam coming to Linux, but in the end that's all they were - rumours.

31 Jan 2011 [comment_40999]
updated = true;//!
It should be pretty easy to figure out how the new stuff works -> just play around with it on the first screen you see it [aka, the new stuff] in!

1 Feb 2011 [comment_41003]
NEW! Hobbes
Steve: It is in the works(or at least in concept stage) actually, Steam posted about it shortly after the mac version came out, no idea how long it will be before it's released though

1 Feb 2011 [comment_41006]
NEW! Super_merlin
And a pre-alpha version was found on Steam's website.

It's very much real.

1 Feb 2011 [comment_41008]
NEW! steve
*steeples fingers together* Excellent.

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41042]
Windows users: I made tilt work for windows(probably not for any other os though)
it can be found here!

Arrow keys: general movement
wasd: gravity control
r: reset/suicide

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41043]
Oh, and the rotating arrow is actually telling you to set the gravity to the correct direction. Imagine that this is in a hand held thing that you can twist around and whatnot.

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41046]
NEW! megaman4ever
Hmm, want to compile that into an exe?

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41048]
it self-extracts into an exe?
(with the addition of a folder for gfx and data)

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41049]
NEW! The master of wizards
it reminds me of shift and time fcuk both gsmes

and super merlin i have snow leopard to and was wondering if you know what types of gaming softwares i can put on it

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41051]
NEW! Super_merlin
Hey note, XNA Game Studio's needed to open ccgames.

Anyway to give us a pure .exe?

6 Feb 2011 [comment_41052]

how's about a zip?

I'll get on that.

8 Feb 2011 [comment_41055]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Sounds GREAT!...So what do I have to download? I am lazy...I know.

8 Feb 2011 [comment_41059]
NEW! Super_merlin
I'd wait until he gets a zip out.

8 Feb 2011 [comment_41062]
The zip is now out!

its funny that most of the size there is actually just a custom version of the map editor;)

9 Feb 2011 [comment_41068]
NEW! Hobbes
Pretty neat, I like it.

9 Feb 2011 [comment_41071]
NEW! The master of wizards
is there a mac zip


9 Feb 2011 [comment_41073]
I'm pretty sure that C$ doesn't work on non-windows. Especially since I'm using xna, which is just a wrapper for direct x :P

9 Feb 2011 [comment_41074]
NEW! Super_merlin

10 Feb 2011 [comment_41083]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
When I click the application, an error pops up and says "Tilt has stopped working, windows is looking for a solution to this problem." What's the problem?

10 Feb 2011 [comment_41084]
NEW! Super_merlin
Did you extract it?

10 Feb 2011 [comment_41086]
NEW! Super_merlin
For running it on OS X, Darwine with Mono might work...

10 Feb 2011 [comment_41087]
NEW! Super_merlin
Ahh, I'm getting the same problem as Crazy.

The map editor works fine.

This is on Windows 7 by the way.

10 Feb 2011 [comment_41090]
Not a clue. (I also don't really want to spend much time on it; this really isn't built for running in windows:P)

Its most likely that you need xna or .net or something.

11 Feb 2011 [comment_41106]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Darn it. It looks cool. :S

11 Feb 2011 [comment_41112]
NEW! Hobbes
Works fine for me. I'm on windows 7 as well.

11 Feb 2011 [comment_41116]
I'm going to go with it being a library issue.

...and I should really get Tilt finished.

12 Feb 2011 [comment_41121]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
I am also using Windows 7, still doesn't work.

13 Feb 2011 [comment_41132]
NEW! steve
If the message says "Windows is searching for a solution to this problem", I would just wait. Windows will find the solution. You can trust Windows. Windows is your friend.

13 Feb 2011 [comment_41138]
NEW! Hobbes
HAHAHA!!! Nice one Steve!

In my experience Windows almost never finds a solution, and the worst bit of it is that it won't even tell you what kind of problem it is. Which basically rules out manual repairs.

13 Feb 2011 [comment_41140]

15 Feb 2011 [comment_41160]
NEW! The master of wizards
no windows is evil its corrupts your mind just like those car sheep

Trust a mac you can never go wrong plus you can run windows and linux and all that stuff on it mac lets you decide if you want to be friends buddies strangers or enemies decide today at *****
*cut off by steve*

15 Feb 2011 [comment_41161]
NEW! megaman4ever
And corrupted minds are what makes the world go around.

But dualboot for the win.

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41162]
Triple or quadruple boot?

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41163]
NEW! Hobbes
If you've got a big enough hard drive.

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41165]

you have several computers, with a(some) external hard drives/USB sticks for all of your data.

Nothing says all the boots need to be on the same computer;)

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41169]
NEW! Hobbes

Speaking of dual booting... Is there a way I can clean install Ubuntu on my old Ubuntu partition?

That won't mess anything up will it?

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41170]
NEW! Super_merlin
Shouldn't. I'd format it beforehand, just to be sure.

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41174]
NEW! Super_merlin
Oh, and tmow, feel no need to continue with your fanboyish ramblings. Your not convincing anybody.

16 Feb 2011 [comment_41175]
NEW! Hobbes
TMoW:Mac is way to simplified (for me), too restricted in what you can do (for me) and almost no one makes cool games for Macs.

Besides you can do everything you just said about Macs on a regular computer... Even boot Apple OSes.

Super_merlin:Thanks for the info!!

17 Feb 2011 [comment_41178]
NEW! Roxblaster
...I'm just getting a Mac cause that's what the animation programs I'm trying to get into want me to buy.


17 Feb 2011 [comment_41179]
I'm not sure that anybody *really* cares ;)


18 Feb 2011 [comment_41180]
NEW! Hobbes
Rox: LOL!!!

18 Feb 2011 [comment_41184]
NEW! crazymerlinman321

18 Feb 2011 [comment_41185]
NEW! The master of wizards
lol so are there animated programs that force you to buy on the windows

and I don't think windows has anything better than a mac the reason the mac has less than the windows is cause windows is the higher known product which therefore would have more free and non-free things to choose from but the mac indrustry has been growing and therefore more products and "free" things have been coming out for the mac and now that theres a boot camp for the mac you can store the safety features of your computer with the care free usage of the windows I did not imply that the mac could be run on any OS nor did I say you could do anything you could do on a mac as you could do on a "regular computer" and let me tell you that the mac in fact is a regular and efficent computer just like the rest.

hope I cleared it up

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41190]
NEW! Super_merlin
I can has grammar?

Listen, the reason people don't buy macs is because they're so expensive.

"I did not imply Mac could not be run on any os" This makes no sense. I take it Macs also don't have commas, periods, or a shift key.

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41192]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
I hate Macs.

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41195]
NEW! megaman4ever
TMOW, you did not imply those things - it is just why MACs aren't really better than PCs, with Windows (and hopefully Linux..).

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41201]
NEW! Super_merlin
Time for my Grammer Communist duties.

LOL! So, are there animated programs that force you to buy on Windows?

I don't think Windows has aything better than a Mac. The reason being that a Mac has less market share than Windows, because Windows is the higher known product. Therefore, it would have more free and not-free thing to choose from. However, the Mac industy has been growing. Therefore, more products and "free" things have been coming out for the Mac. Now that there's Boot Camp for the Mac, you can store the safety features of your computer with the care free usage of Windows. I did not imply that the Mac could be run on any OS, nor did I say that you could do anything on a Mac as it would be done on a "regular computer". Also, let me tell you that the Mac is, in fact, a regular and efficient computer, just like the rest.

I hope I cleared it up.

That was to fix your grammar. Now, to tackle your facts and logic.

1. It is "Windows", not "the windows". "the windows" generally are glass things you look through.
2. You don't think Windows is better than Mac OS X because Windows is more popular. That doesnt' make sense. Holes in the ground filled with ice aren't near as popular as refridgerators. They must be better! /s
3. Why in the world would you store safety features on Windows. Also, Windows isn't what I'd call care free usage. You're taking the good arguments you actually have and turning them around!
4. You may not have implyed that, and I have no idea why you would, but you also have not refuted it.
5. "Under the hood", so to speak, a Mac is identical to any other PC. PC being defined as a computer compatible with the IBM PC standard. I believe you meant that Mac OS X is as efficient as any other OS. You'd be correct.
6. A Mac is a IBM-PC compatible computer. Mac OS X is an operating system.

Now, I believe I have cleared it up.

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41202]
NEW! Roxblaster
By programs, I mean college programs. It's a heck of a lot cheaper to just get what they tell you, because the college actually pays for part of it. Plus it ensures compatibility with all the other computers on campus (Read- you'll always be able to edit your work because there are no software differences. I COULD get a PC, but there's enough things that I have to pay for on my own. Like, oh, I don't know...tuition?

19 Feb 2011 [comment_41203]
NEW! Super_merlin
Well, since it's for college, I suppose I could forgive you....

For Over 9000 cookies!!!

20 Feb 2011 [comment_41205]
NEW! Roxblaster
9000 cookies would bog down your computer.


*Throws cookies at computer*

22 Feb 2011 [comment_41216]
NEW! steve
Yeah it's one thing to chose what you want to use at home, but when your part of an organisation you are better off just using what they want you to use, otherwise they can't help you if you run into trouble.

At work we are still using Windows XP, though lots of people are starting to call for Win7. Linux or Mac doesn't even seem be considered seriously, which leaves me rather apathetic - do I want the old bad, or the new bad? meh.

I run ubuntu in virtual machines though and we have it and other linuxes on some of our servers so I do get to use it there.

23 Feb 2011 [comment_41239]
NEW! The master of wizards
MAC 10.6.6 and WIN7

to be correct if you are referring to the latest operating system for the pc's or Mac Snow leopard works TWO

23 Feb 2011 [comment_41240]
NEW! Super_merlin
Mac OS X 10.6
Arch Linux with Linux 2.6.37
Ubuntu 10.10
Windows 7

Beat that.

23 Feb 2011 [comment_41242]
On one computer?

23 Feb 2011 [comment_41243]
NEW! Super_merlin

23 Feb 2011 [comment_41245]
The gif speaks for itself;)

24 Feb 2011 [comment_41255]
NEW! steve
Fair play Super_merlin you are the OS master!

So, since you have them all, do you have a favourite?

24 Feb 2011 [comment_41259]
NEW! Hobbes
What's the build? (Sorry, I'm a bit of a tech nerd.)

8 Apr 2011 [comment_41557]
Done done done done done done done done done don eodneode ndoenedoenedondeone doend eon oedn ednoen endoen edno ednoed neodne denoden edo.


Now all that's left is to bring it into xna 4.0 and my competition entry will be complete! Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I need to study some; exams are coming up pretty quick.

9 Apr 2011 [comment_41565]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Yup, my exams are soon, end of May.

9 Apr 2011 [comment_41570]
I start my next term on the first of May;)

Everybody's gonna be back in town!

12 Apr 2011 [comment_41597]
Also, steve, when you happen to read this, could tilt get a suggestion folder/section?

I've now had at least 1 (an in-game map editor)
Everything also links back to tmb as well (or at least makes mention) so there might be some confusion if there's almost no mention of it on the website:)

22 Apr 2011 [comment_41626]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
My last term started a month ago...:)

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