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The Suggestion...

By: on 9 Nov 2010
Rating: 0.00 in 0 votes
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mr3 | player | [Suggestion_6881]

Morph, as Far as I can Think of It.

Implementing this will be a fairly involved process. First, you charge up your spell, then, you hit yourself(or a friend), when hit, the engine will look at the payload, and temporarily change your pName to that the payload, thus changing your image(hopefully), then, it would take a copy of your current weapons list, then replace it with one from the data it collects from the payload(including morph) then you can hit q, and select either the thing's weapon, or morph, and use either.(Some additional sprites will need to be made such that it works right) Any ais who have been morphed would switch to the payload's weapon, rather than use morph(unless its the wizard who normally uses morph, maybe?) A blank charge would turn a character back to normal. An additional morph bar would be needed, in addition to the already present health and xp ones.

If this were to be extended with [Suggestion_6481] more data would need to be collected, and more changes occur when you change weapon.

That's all I got for this.

Parent Suggestion

(an earlier version of this idea)

attacking while morphed | Rating: 3.70


9 Nov 2010 [comment_40036]
NEW! striker
Good idea!

9 Nov 2010 [comment_40038]
NEW! megaman4ever
Make the morph like army summon! I had troubles in MR2 with not being able to change back >_<

9 Nov 2010 [comment_40044]
I'm not completely sure what you mean with that. Are you saying that it should charge faster/grow bigger so its easier to hit yourself with the blank spell?

9 Nov 2010 [comment_40050]
NEW! megaman4ever
I'm saying the charge speed should be constant.

11 Nov 2010 [comment_40076]
NEW! steve
Interesting. So you will have the option of using the weapon of whatever you've morphed into, or the morph spell itself so you can morph back.

Sounds good!

14 Nov 2010 [comment_40104]
NEW! firestorm
"An additional morph bar would be needed, in addition to the already present health and xp ones."

What for? Duration would spring to mind, but I don't recall morph having a duration, or anything else that would warrant a bar. Isn't it just you're morphed or you're not?

14 Nov 2010 [comment_40105]
...go back to mr2, bottom right hand corner(yes, it is for duration, and I think one for anybody who is morphed would be good?)

15 Nov 2010 [comment_40126]
NEW! crazymerlinman321
Do we get to use the enemy's weapon? Like if you morph into a goblin, you shoot arrows.

16 Nov 2010 [comment_40136]
Yes. Well, I'm not sure about arrows per se, unless the arrows start exploding.Bullets that don't explode don't work with merlin as they are looking to collide with a target enemy, and when you click, you don't exactly have a target in mind. I suppose this could be fixed by having merlin "look" for a target which is nearest to the mouse...

16 Nov 2010 [comment_40159]
NEW! Phoenix
Exploding arrows? COOL!!!

17 Nov 2010 [comment_40163]
NEW! megaman4ever
Erm, why wouldn't a transparent explosion with a width of 1 work? Then again, it can't hit before hitting the ground, but how about constantly making small invisible explosions?

Well, it probably won't work. Searching a target near the cursor would be better.

20 Nov 2010 [comment_40234]
NEW! firestorm
Well, much as I'd like to have a look at morph in MR2 again to see this duration bar (and I tried before posting that comment, too), but MR2 scoring seems to get stuck at 'retrieving your best score...' so I can't actually get into the game.

20 Nov 2010 [comment_40237]
NEW! Phoenix
Mmmm...same problem. A transparent explosion is nice.

20 Nov 2010 [comment_40244]
Firestorm: I think that's a website bug, having to do with [Suggestion_6798]

...there is, of course... mr2 non-scoring?

I think the best way for archers to work will be for them to use spells similar to energy pulse, but that don't charge above zero? It won't look the best, but also wouldn't take much work!

I'll try getting a ranged attack to work though.

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