This is a suggestion for one of our games. You may comment on and rate the suggestion here.
The Suggestion...
heath:15(+3 per level)
speed:2X faster than merlin
attack:2.5(+0.5 per level)
attack speed: same as a army archer
other1:gains 1 heath per attack
other2:resitantat to pisical attacks(-50%)
other3:vurnuble to magical attacks(+50%)
here are the stats for the blue meep.
heath:35(+6 per level)
attack1:summon green meep
attack2:5(+1 per level)
attack1 speed:4X slower than a gost/spirit
attack2 speed:same as a green meep
speed: haff as fast as merlin
here are the stats for the meep nest(it looks like a gaint ant hill and can make meeps at the same rate as a spider nset makes spiders but has an inanite amount(meens if you just fight the meeps you will be fighting forever)).
heath: 450(+20 per level)
other:it slows you down when going over it and underground things cant go under it and has no efect on air units.
Child Suggestions
(later versions of this idea)Ezotic Meeps | Rating: 5.00
meeps meeps it goes on and how they have eggs | Rating: 5.00
Meeps miny-game | Rating: 5.00
Meeps Ver 2 | Rating: 5.00
Relationships with other suggestions
NeyBar says Asid Meep extends this suggestion.NeyBar says new meeps:ice,cold,freeze,and water meep extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says Zapper and lightning meep extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says stronger meeps extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says brown meep and meep tower extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says magical meeps and meep tanks(and magical tanks) extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says rock meeps extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says more and more meeps extends this suggestion.
NeyBar says mega ambush compliments this suggestion.
NeyBar says Asid Meep requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says new meeps:ice,cold,freeze,and water meep requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says Zapper and lightning meep requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says stronger meeps requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says brown meep and meep tower requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says magical meeps and meep tanks(and magical tanks) requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says rock meeps requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says more and more meeps requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says mega ambush requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says Meeps Ver 2 requires this suggestion.
NeyBar says Trapped By Meeps(if done all meeps should be used) compliments this suggestion.
NeyBar says Trapped By Meeps(if done all meeps should be used) requires this suggestion.
comments please
Maybe when something kills them the unit that killed them gains health
Maybe when something kills them the unit that killed them gains health
Hey Neybar! I'm Jakerj10!(or Jacob, ignore this)I like your idea about meeps!But why did you leave out the elementals,the fire meeps,and.......HI!!!!
there will be LOTS of child sugestions,trust me.
no, it's like a vampire
what is?
hi Jakerj10, im making them right now
sombody vote 5 please!
NEYBAR!!!!!!!!!VOTE FOR THIEFYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to tell you the truth, it was relationships, not child sungestios but there will be some.
if this is use it needs all of the child sungestions and relationships are needed.
i know there is alot of ralationships.and there will be more. even though this one kind of isn't detailed as much as the othere ones.the child sugestoins are just grouping all the sugestions togeter.
also if you have a coment on a difent meep sugestion please put it here and tell what sugestion it is. i want to do this because i want this to be the the main meep sugestion/chating place about meeps.but you can do it on other sugestions if you want.
hello? anyone here?
Hi. I thought at first it would be like pink bunnies or something copyrighted, but me thinks this is actually pretty good. Congrats on being one of the few people to make a sugg. when you're extremely young, think it's very good, proclaim it practically everywhere, and then have it be something actually interesting! :)
Nope, no-one here.
Jacob here!
thanks mr#,and please see the childs and relationships,i know there is a lot and how did you know i was young?if you want you cant rate the other meep suggestions but if you don't like this one please don't rate it.if you like it then you can give it a five.
You either mentioned your age somewhere, or your enthusiastic mannerisms make people know, though what's so special about making loads of suggestions when you're young I don't know. All young people do, don't they.
"if you don't like this one please don't rate it.if you like it then you can give it a five."
Is it just me or are you trying to artifically give the meeps a 5?
I don't know if you are aware but just because something has a high rateing doesn't mean it will be in the game.
Is it just me or are you trying to artifically give the meeps a 5?
I don't know if you are aware but just because something has a high rateing doesn't mean it will be in the game.
The word "meep" doesn't make me think of a spider, it makes me think of a dishcloth with buttons for eyes.
It makes me think of poking someone and having them squeel...
eh,i got the name from the m.e.a.p. test.
Just because you are trying to get a 5 on this I'm giving you a 1
That's weird, steve, it makes me think of a little moving blob...
what does m.e.a.p stand for?
michigan egucation something something(i don't know it all)
5!5!Give him 5's!!!!!
meep meep meep meep meep meep meep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
naybar!meeps are out of hand
naybar!meeps are out of hand
err... NeyBar? I think it's a good idea... buuuut you're kind of being annoying about it... look, I doubt it's going to be in the game... but I could make a MR game that revolves around meeps as soon as I get the software... or someone else could... good compromise?
hey i'm back and um
TO MAKE MORE MEEP SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!o and steve,is the meeps the biggest related group of sugestions in the database?p and sorry ppl but,MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP and i will try to um get ppl's attention,BACK TO MAKING MEEP SUGESTIONS lol.
TO MAKE MORE MEEP SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!o and steve,is the meeps the biggest related group of sugestions in the database?p and sorry ppl but,MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP and i will try to um get ppl's attention,BACK TO MAKING MEEP SUGESTIONS lol.
Sketch really knows how to sumarise my feelings in a tactful way...
...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! Lunatic!!!!!!! can you say such a thing? can you say such a thing?
I just noticed... You seem to be obsessed with Meeps...
Don't get me wring, I like this suggestion, I just don't think you should have an entire storyline revolving around Meeps.
Don't get me wring, I like this suggestion, I just don't think you should have an entire storyline revolving around Meeps.
oh no...
and that meep is pretty good but the sharp arm/claw needs to go lower and it has 4 legs 2 on each side. otherwise thats pretty good.
is anyone even here?
I have returned from the dead to see your post, ♪.
I am also blown away at how much I have changed in these 8 years - it seems I was quite immature back then.
megaman4ever ninja note: ♪ is not the only ninja over here.
I am also blown away at how much I have changed in these 8 years - it seems I was quite immature back then.
megaman4ever ninja note: ♪ is not the only ninja over here.
Well, to be honest, who wasn't immature back in 2006 and 2007? :)
Turns out that there actually ARE people still here...
I somewhat very vaguely remember these suggestions, looks like [comment_17202] was serious. :)
Turns out that there actually ARE people still here...
I somewhat very vaguely remember these suggestions, looks like [comment_17202] was serious. :)
I was immature and I was 30 something lol. I'm 42 now and worse than ever :D
Also semi-returned from the dead, and can confirm that I laughably immature back then too. Granted, I was 11.
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Rating: 3.86 in 7 votes
Status: rate