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The Suggestion...

By: steve on 22 Sep 2006
Rating: 4.00 in 1 votes
Status: used | *In Roadmap*
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_4569]

Slightly less open Merlin

An alternative I've thought of to avoid needing Director is to release a binary (.exe) which comes with all the programming, data, graphics and sounds extracted as files. The exe then pulls these files in at runtime and runs the game.

- No need for Adobe Director

- No debugging facility, make genuine game development virtually impossible.
- Would only work on Windows machines.
- Would take quite a while to put together.

Actually you know what, this is a bad idea. I'll put it up anyway, just you can see what a bad idea it is.
Roadmapped by (done)

Parent Suggestion

(an earlier version of this idea)

Open Source Merlin | Rating: 3.25


22 Sep 2006 [comment_16442]
NEW! cjfjcjfjc
id rather the website-rendering-whatever

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16457]
This may be a bad idea, but I don't think its a bad idea when it comes to balance.

Maybe it could be released as a modding project, where users can reconfigure the Damage and HP values for Merlin, and the enemies to make a more balanced game (subject to individual "what's hard what's not)

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16460]
NEW! Darren
Yep, that's one bad idea!

27 Sep 2006 [comment_16488]
NEW! firestorm
Yep, a very bad idea, bad steve! (j/k ^^)

I do agree it's not an especially good idea, however, though it would probably allow minor editing using text edit (oh, it's fun modifying games using a text editor...)

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16501]
NEW! steve
With this, you would be able to edit everything except the coding. That means all graphics, maps, enemies and their stats and perhaps even some global settings.

Theoretically you could make a whole new game with this so long as it didn't require the game engine to do anything it couldn't already do. For example, pengiun wars could probably be made this way.

And AZERT, you're right! it would be very good for balance. People could play with settings to try to sort out balance issues, then send me the files for inclusion in my version.

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16511]
NEW! Darren
Suddenly confused.
Can't you just stick with map and game and character etc editors?????

6 Oct 2006 [comment_16591]
NEW! steve
Yes, but this is a much quicker way of doing that. The game and character editors would take months, even years to build.

The map editor is already about 90% complete for an offline form.

7 Oct 2006 [comment_16626]
NEW! Carefree_Butterfly
I don't wanna snipe down your idea, but I say...

Zonk! Terrible brainstorm you had there. Some of the thunder did some serious damage.


Well, first of all, you can't update the thing... meaning you can't improve, it, unless you want us to constantly redownload it, and that would be a pain.

If you have a bug, you will fix it, but will will have to update the changes, and everytime it gets better, BAM! Redownload.

Every wonder why things like Microsoft Word only come out every year or two? And why websites are changing constantly?

Because it's no big deal viewing a different site, but with a program, you have to install it, update it, and all that sort of things.

And if you're waiting for bugs to be fixes, YIPES!

7 Oct 2006 [comment_16643]
NEW! Darren
Just so long as they get built, I'll go along with anything.
Anyway, MR3 seems to be taking years but I'm not complaining.

13 Oct 2006 [comment_16692]
NEW! steve
The way you would update it is to replace the .exe with the new version.

You would decide whether it was worth your while doing that. If the new version has features you don't need for the game you're making, then don't download it.

If you're not sure you could download it, but keep the old version to hand to swap back.

What I'm saying is that the package would have the .exe and then a bunch of data files, graphics and sounds. To 'upgrade' you would just replace the .exe. It's not like you would have to start again with your game, and it's not like you *have* to upgrade.

Also, if you were making changes to the engine it would be in your interest to get those changes into my version, precisely so that you won't have to re-implement them when a new version comes out.

14 Oct 2006 [comment_16731]
NEW! Donut
ahhh!! things that make me have to think!!

14 Oct 2006 [comment_16732]
NEW! Donut
p.s. it's a good idea whatever it is.

23 Sep 2010 [comment_38067]
Also, I like it quite a lot.

23 Sep 2010 [comment_38074]
NEW! steve
Well mostly done anyway!

23 Sep 2010 [comment_38080]
Whoops, graphics and sounds aswell, my bad.

24 Sep 2010 [comment_38143]
NEW! steve
s'ok, it's as done enough. The remaining items are now covered by other suggestions.

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