
This is a suggestion for one of our games. You may comment on and rate the suggestion here.

The Suggestion...

By: steve on 22 Sep 2006
Rating: 3.25 in 4 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*
mr3 | general | [Suggestion_4568]

Open Source Merlin

I'm thinking about releasing the source code to MR3 and the Map Editor. How would you all feel about this?

- You could use as starting point to build your own MR-type games
- You could try out ideas for MR3, including enemies (easy) maps (really easy), scripts (possibly tricky) and spells (hard)
- You could see (and possibly learn from) how MR3 was put together.
- You might be able to submit bug fixes
- You might wish to submit patches /improvements
- It could possibly unleash a massive wave of creativity.
- It could be done almost instantly.
- When I stop working on MR3 you don't have to.

- I will never make any money with an open source game
- You will need to use Adobe Director to open the file. This costs money, or you could become a software pirate.
- If you use Director MX 2004 and send me the file, I will not be able to open it, since I use Director MX, and can't afford to upgrade (and refuse to become a software pirate).

I am going to suggest an alternative as well.
Roadmapped by

Child Suggestions

(later versions of this idea)

Online Game Rendering Engine (OGRE) | Rating: 4.50


22 Sep 2006 [comment_16443]
NEW! cjfjcjfjc
ok,i might be able to do everything except spells here.but if i cant write a 10-line program using blitz basic,i wont be able to do even an enemie.

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16458]
Well last I checked Director was really expensive... so was MX

Honestly, I don't know what to say about this. I liked this game being "Steve's Game" and nobody else's partly because its his site, partly because I like the same guy doing the sequels to MR.

I'm sorry that extraneous work had to get in the way of development. MR3 has taken, if I even remember correctly, about 5 years to develop! Not all that time was spent developing, but we are willing to wait for it if its just *that* good.

In fact, I think that this is why we are even begging for it to be that good, even if its a hard thing to ask for.

Even if we contribute scripts, I think that you should keep the "secret knowledge" as well as the rights to the game.

To put it bluntly, I'm against Open Source Development.

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16459]
NEW! Darren
NO WAY!!!!!

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16464]
Well okay but I really like the Online Game Rendering Engine because when you want to open a file you have to get the adobe reader which i have to pay

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16465]
I'll give it a five

25 Sep 2006 [comment_16473]
NEW! matt

You just can't do it, Steve!

Besides, if you hand out the code and someone else makes a game seemingly more appealing than yours, you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS FOLLOWERS!!!! (ME!!!)...

HOWEVER, I have Director MX 2004, so, maybe I could just save it as a MX file and send it (I believe I can do that).

Well, anyways, sorry for the SUPER ULTRA MEGA ATOMIC EVILLY LONG PERIOD OF inactivity.

I have just been dealing with my personal life and all concerned subjects therein. I'm sorry Steve, but I can no longer devote 96.7777777777777777777777778% of my life to TMB anymore. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!

Anyways, in my NEW AND IMPROVED FANGAME I have made some progress (considering I stopped work a month ago and started up again a week ago).

I know it's dangerously off-topic here, but it's short, so, meh: I have everything set up right, and it's all working swell (considering I made it completely in Flash 8 Pro). I also made a Gameplay Mode I call NEVER ENDING DEATHMATCH. Basically, every enemy you kill generates a new enemy at a random location, and after killing a certain number of enemies (or obtaining a certain number of points, I haven't decided which, but they both work), more enemies (and harder enemies) will appear. There are no levels, just, it continues forever.

Okay. That's enough for this topic.


25 Sep 2006 [comment_16475]
Please can you send or put the open source merlin now. Please?

25 Sep 2006 [comment_16485]
NEW! Morsh
This is not pertaining to the topic, because I have no personal preference on this topic since I don't own any of the programs you've mentioned, but I wanted you to know I am proud that you, too, are not a software pirate. The only piracy I do is after unprotected British ports with my deadly vessel, The Quack Pearl.

27 Sep 2006 [comment_16487]
NEW! firestorm
Hmm, we have Director at school. I think it's MX 2004 though...

Oh well, it'd be a fun alternative; I love screwing with data files for games; you can get some really fun (and odd) results.

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16516]
NEW! firestorm
AzErT, why are you so against Open Source?

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16533]

6 Oct 2006 [comment_16616]
Never Mind!

7 Oct 2006 [comment_16630]
NEW! Carefree_Butterfly

The open source could ruin you.

I sent an message... steve.

7 Oct 2006 [comment_16657]
NEW! Darren
That was just a continuation of MR ROX!'s comment.

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