This is a suggestion for one of our games. You may comment on and rate the suggestion here.
The Suggestion...
- You could use as starting point to build your own MR-type games
- You could try out ideas for MR3, including enemies (easy) maps (really easy), scripts (possibly tricky) and spells (hard)
- You could see (and possibly learn from) how MR3 was put together.
- You might be able to submit bug fixes
- You might wish to submit patches /improvements
- It could possibly unleash a massive wave of creativity.
- It could be done almost instantly.
- When I stop working on MR3 you don't have to.
- I will never make any money with an open source game
- You will need to use Adobe Director to open the file. This costs money, or you could become a software pirate.
- If you use Director MX 2004 and send me the file, I will not be able to open it, since I use Director MX, and can't afford to upgrade (and refuse to become a software pirate).
I am going to suggest an alternative as well.
Roadmapped by ♪
Child Suggestions
(later versions of this idea)Online Game Rendering Engine (OGRE) | Rating: 4.50
ok,i might be able to do everything except spells here.but if i cant write a 10-line program using blitz basic,i wont be able to do even an enemie.
Well last I checked Director was really expensive... so was MX
Honestly, I don't know what to say about this. I liked this game being "Steve's Game" and nobody else's partly because its his site, partly because I like the same guy doing the sequels to MR.
I'm sorry that extraneous work had to get in the way of development. MR3 has taken, if I even remember correctly, about 5 years to develop! Not all that time was spent developing, but we are willing to wait for it if its just *that* good.
In fact, I think that this is why we are even begging for it to be that good, even if its a hard thing to ask for.
Even if we contribute scripts, I think that you should keep the "secret knowledge" as well as the rights to the game.
To put it bluntly, I'm against Open Source Development.
Honestly, I don't know what to say about this. I liked this game being "Steve's Game" and nobody else's partly because its his site, partly because I like the same guy doing the sequels to MR.
I'm sorry that extraneous work had to get in the way of development. MR3 has taken, if I even remember correctly, about 5 years to develop! Not all that time was spent developing, but we are willing to wait for it if its just *that* good.
In fact, I think that this is why we are even begging for it to be that good, even if its a hard thing to ask for.
Even if we contribute scripts, I think that you should keep the "secret knowledge" as well as the rights to the game.
To put it bluntly, I'm against Open Source Development.
NO WAY!!!!!
NO WAY!!!!!
Well okay but I really like the Online Game Rendering Engine because when you want to open a file you have to get the adobe reader which i have to pay
I'll give it a five
You just can't do it, Steve!
Besides, if you hand out the code and someone else makes a game seemingly more appealing than yours, you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS FOLLOWERS!!!! (ME!!!)...
HOWEVER, I have Director MX 2004, so, maybe I could just save it as a MX file and send it (I believe I can do that).
Well, anyways, sorry for the SUPER ULTRA MEGA ATOMIC EVILLY LONG PERIOD OF inactivity.
I have just been dealing with my personal life and all concerned subjects therein. I'm sorry Steve, but I can no longer devote 96.7777777777777777777777778% of my life to TMB anymore. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!
Anyways, in my NEW AND IMPROVED FANGAME I have made some progress (considering I stopped work a month ago and started up again a week ago).
I know it's dangerously off-topic here, but it's short, so, meh: I have everything set up right, and it's all working swell (considering I made it completely in Flash 8 Pro). I also made a Gameplay Mode I call NEVER ENDING DEATHMATCH. Basically, every enemy you kill generates a new enemy at a random location, and after killing a certain number of enemies (or obtaining a certain number of points, I haven't decided which, but they both work), more enemies (and harder enemies) will appear. There are no levels, just, it continues forever.
Okay. That's enough for this topic.
You just can't do it, Steve!
Besides, if you hand out the code and someone else makes a game seemingly more appealing than yours, you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS FOLLOWERS!!!! (ME!!!)...
HOWEVER, I have Director MX 2004, so, maybe I could just save it as a MX file and send it (I believe I can do that).
Well, anyways, sorry for the SUPER ULTRA MEGA ATOMIC EVILLY LONG PERIOD OF inactivity.
I have just been dealing with my personal life and all concerned subjects therein. I'm sorry Steve, but I can no longer devote 96.7777777777777777777777778% of my life to TMB anymore. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!
Anyways, in my NEW AND IMPROVED FANGAME I have made some progress (considering I stopped work a month ago and started up again a week ago).
I know it's dangerously off-topic here, but it's short, so, meh: I have everything set up right, and it's all working swell (considering I made it completely in Flash 8 Pro). I also made a Gameplay Mode I call NEVER ENDING DEATHMATCH. Basically, every enemy you kill generates a new enemy at a random location, and after killing a certain number of enemies (or obtaining a certain number of points, I haven't decided which, but they both work), more enemies (and harder enemies) will appear. There are no levels, just, it continues forever.
Okay. That's enough for this topic.
Please can you send or put the open source merlin now. Please?
This is not pertaining to the topic, because I have no personal preference on this topic since I don't own any of the programs you've mentioned, but I wanted you to know I am proud that you, too, are not a software pirate. The only piracy I do is after unprotected British ports with my deadly vessel, The Quack Pearl.
Hmm, we have Director at school. I think it's MX 2004 though...
Oh well, it'd be a fun alternative; I love screwing with data files for games; you can get some really fun (and odd) results.
Oh well, it'd be a fun alternative; I love screwing with data files for games; you can get some really fun (and odd) results.
AzErT, why are you so against Open Source?
Never Mind!
The open source could ruin you.
I sent an message... steve.
The open source could ruin you.
I sent an message... steve.
That was just a continuation of MR ROX!'s comment.
That was just a continuation of MR ROX!'s comment.
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Rating: 3.25 in 4 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*
Open Source Merlin