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The Suggestion...

By: Kero on 22 Aug 2006
Rating: 5.00 in 6 votes
Status: rate
mr3 | game_mechanics | [Suggestion_4447]

Punch shortcut.

Rather than having to hit the "q" key and click punch why not make a hotkey for it in the "`" key (beside the 1 key, not apostrophe). this will make it much easier in the beginning when a player needs to swich between army summon and punching.


24 Aug 2006 [comment_16005]
NEW! steve
Good idea. I've added it to my list.

24 Aug 2006 [comment_16026]
NEW! Darren
But there isn't a "'" next to 1 on m-oh, that 1.
Nvr mind.

30 Aug 2006 [comment_16138]
NEW! evilishies
Nice idea.. a punch is something you should always have access to.

4 Sep 2006 [comment_16199]
NEW! Bryzaa
yeah make
"1" energy blast
"2" army summon
"3" energy mines
"4" energy beam (or whatever its called)

Good idea Kero!

8 Sep 2006 [comment_16225]
NEW! osel
press p to punch quick not q and click punch slow

8 Sep 2006 [comment_16241]
NEW! steve
Bryzaa, 1234 are already shortcuts to the spells. It was added last demo I think.

1 is the first spell you collect, 2 the second and so on.

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