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The Suggestion...

By: MR ROX! on 23 Jul 2006
Rating: 4.00 in 3 votes
Status: used
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_4170]

Bat *caves*

Bat's should be found more commonly near caves/underground

Thnx for looking,


30 Jul 2006 [comment_15479]
btw, this does not mean that they cant be found in the green areas and other places, just that there arent as many there.

30 Jul 2006 [comment_15480]
also, the caves are a bit easy with only the fang bunny guys i think. If there were bats too, then that would make them quite a bit harder.

4 Aug 2006 [comment_15578]
NEW! steve
Ah, now, it has to one or the other and I'll explain why.

At the moment, bats can fly over trees, which is logical and I did that in response to many people asking for it.

But if they were in the caves they wouldn't be able to fly over the cave walls, as it would be more like flying through the walls.

Hang on, I could just make another type of bat for that. There could be a cave bat, and a regular bat.

Ok that's fine, I'll put some bats in the caves. Thanks!

4 Aug 2006 [comment_15608]
NEW! Darren
So long as some stay in the grass, I'm happy.

6 Aug 2006 [comment_15675]
hey! one of my suggestions might finally be put in the game!!!!! YAY!!!! lol

12 Aug 2006 [comment_15824]
NEW! Bryzaa
to be honest i hate the bats! they are harder than any other monster! simply because they hit and run. However now that that's out of the way it does make sense having them in caves.

18 Aug 2006 [comment_15894]
NEW! steve
Yes, and the ones in the caves will find it harder to run.

18 Aug 2006 [comment_15924]
NEW! Donut
what about the trees? you don't see trees in caves. maybe a big stalagtite (those are the ones on top i think) and how will you be able to see the cave bats? they will blend in real well.

24 Aug 2006 [comment_16013]
NEW! steve
Yes, the cave bats don't currently have dwellings. A big stalagtite could work though.

24 Aug 2006 [comment_16023]
NEW! Darren
A stalagtite wouldn't work because there is no ceiling in MR.
What about a...thing.

24 Aug 2006 [comment_16049]
stalagtite does sound good....

1 Sep 2006 [comment_16141]
NEW! steve
I thought stalagtites grew from the floor - stalagmites from the ceiling.

Well, whichever one grows from the floor then.

1 Sep 2006 [comment_16151]
Hey steve, i dont know if u can do this in shockwave (although u probably can), in game maker u can put tiles in ur room, so u could have this object with a really ugly sprite - it doesnt matter wat it looked like - and then u put a tile on top of it, so u only see the tile.
so lets say ur room is divided into a grid with 32x32 squares: u have an object with any sprite thats 32x32 (one square) and u give it the properties of the stalactite thingy so it stops merlin when he runs into it and creates the bats etc. etc., and then u put a tile on top of the stalactite that is 32x96. This would mean that if the object was at the bottom of the screen, at x,0 y,0 (assuming the origin of the sprite was in the bottom left), so it goes up to x,0 y,32, then the tile would be from x,0 y,0 to x,0 y,96. This would mean that if merlin bumped into the object, then hed obviously be stopped, but if he bumped into the tile which goes up higher, hed go through it, so its like he only stops if he bumps into the base of the stalactite. (also, hed go behind the tile, not in front).

I hope that made sense. If it did, than i think thats wat u should do if u make stalactites (or whatever the ones are called that come from the bottom) as the things that release the bats in caves.

Thnx for looking,

2 Sep 2006 [comment_16174]
NEW! Darren
*sigh* Time for how to tell them apart as described in "The Famous Five" *cringe*.
StalagTITES have to hold TIGHT to stop themselves from falling from the cieling.
StalagMITES MIGHT someday touch the stalagtites, forming a natural pillar.
I heard that years ago and can still remember it perfectly lol.

8 Sep 2006 [comment_16232]
NEW! steve
Lol! Darren, that's brilliant!

MR ROX! Funnily enough, I did program a thrid layer into the map editor for MR and Rapunzel, but I never tested it so it probably doesn't work. But yes, this sort of thing would be possible with a bit of extra programming to the map editor and the game engine. I have not done that kind of thing so far because I didn't want to take MR out of the realm of pure 2D.

14 Sep 2006 [comment_16354]
NEW! Darren
What's so brilliant about it???

22 Sep 2006 [comment_16417]
NEW! steve
Well, it helps you remember which is which. I'd never heard it before.

23 Sep 2006 [comment_16456]
NEW! mr#
Huh. My way is one I invented myself.
I must say it's a tad easier than talking about natural pillars and such. 'tites hold tight to the ceiling, 'mites are on the ground, similar to mites (the little bugs, or, for the scientist in us all, arachnids?) crawling on the ground.

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16500]
NEW! steve
Well that's good too, they're all nice. :)

29 Sep 2006 [comment_16513]
NEW! Darren
No, actually the one I used was different when it came to the natural pillars bit but it said they might one day reach up hmm

3 Oct 2006 [comment_16570]
NEW! Morsh
My way is "Stalagtites are on the ceiling. Stalagmites are on the bottom. If you forget it, an angry man will hurt you."

And I've never forgotten, since.

6 Oct 2006 [comment_16603]
well, i have to say, Morsh's way helps quite a lot... wouldn't want to be hurt by THE ANGRY MAN.....Da da da DUMMMMMMMMMMMM....

Thnx for looking,

7 Oct 2006 [comment_16651]
NEW! Darren
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...Morsh, you are utterly insane.

13 Oct 2006 [comment_16701]

.....a funny word there, 'lol.'. Not just 'lol', but 'lol.'
Adds a bit of a statement to it. lol.


thnx for looking,

14 Oct 2006 [comment_16723]
NEW! Darren
Hey, guys, I saw the wierdest thing on my way back from school the other day - well, on my way home I go through this short tunnel passing under the road and...because of all of the rain there are stalagtites starting to grow in there!

27 Jan 2007 [comment_18297]
NEW! NeyBar

5 Feb 2007 [comment_18681]
NEW! Darren
They gone now :( My friend broke the best and second-best one with his brolly.

Hey, who here likes Wallace and Gromit?

9 Feb 2007 [comment_18772]
NEW! steve

9 Feb 2007 [comment_18787]
NEW! Sketch
Me too!

12 Feb 2007 [comment_18856]
NEW! Darren
Yay! Anyone else?

Steve, if the impossible happens and you ever find time, do cookies on this site. I'm not really expecting it, but...well.

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