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The Suggestion...
you can get the fireball spell by killing 15 fire ninjas or going to there lair (if they make one)
damage: alot
very good against hard monsters
Relationships with other suggestions
GoliathGob says fire ball spell is an alternative to this suggestion.Comments
could you be a bit more specific about what it does?
also, why would u only be able to use it on hard monsters?
(lol, two fire spells in a row!)
(lol, two fire spells in a row!)
nvm mind. i thought for a sec that i had been looking at recent suggestions. but it was recent comments so it wasnt two fire spells suggested in a row.
not to burst ur bubble but there are alrdy 2 more fire spells...and i think one's in the roadmap but if it makes u feel any better i got a old thingy i made and here it is.

This hasn't been commented on in 4 years.
First of all, stop finding these age old suggestions, Erik. 'Four years ago' 90% of the time doesn't apply anymore!
Secondly, you just broke the law. Claiming "i got a old thingy i made" when you obviously haven't is against the law, because you don't hold the copyright to the image. Lying like that is... Not acceptable in a community where people are supposed to hold up the 'rules' so that the community will work. I know, I don't abide by the laws every time I do something, but I hope you would. I know it's probably just an accident, so take it as a friendly reminder.
Secondly, you just broke the law. Claiming "i got a old thingy i made" when you obviously haven't is against the law, because you don't hold the copyright to the image. Lying like that is... Not acceptable in a community where people are supposed to hold up the 'rules' so that the community will work. I know, I don't abide by the laws every time I do something, but I hope you would. I know it's probably just an accident, so take it as a friendly reminder.
ya cant stop me from looking at old suggestions T.T
But we can ask steve to delete your account if all you plan on doing is lying.
Erik, seriously c'mon. People were ripping on me when I was commenting on old suggestions. Plus to make it worse... your lying! Erik you have to get serious. Sure this place is for fun also but you have to work. You have to work hard and help as much as you can but so far all there is, is lying and weird commenting.
Woah wait whaaaat? Spaces after all your periods?
No, really, I've meant to say this for a few weeks, but this was the last straw of my patience. You'll see.
It is your last straw of patience for Erik?
My bad, meant to post this on a different suggestion.
this spell although never seen suggestion before reminds me of the third spell where you create that big yellow ball and it shoots fire bolts outta it
Atleast there already is a fireball spell. The only downside, is the laginess.
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fire ball spell