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The Suggestion...
Ulin: Hello! Nice work with the goblins in the last demo.
Merlin: It was nothing. I got a little slow when there were about 36 goblins on the screen though. Must be the old age slowing me down.
Ulin: Either that or your user's computer couldn't handle that amount of goblins at once.
Merlin: What???
Ulin: Oh, never mind.
Merlin: So what's new? Can I summon monsters?
Ulin: No, but you can...
Merlin: Can I morph into monsters?
Ulin: No, but you can...
Merlin: Can I battle Skeleton Warriors and quadranids and..
Ulin: no, no no! If you be quiet I'll tell you!
Merlin: ...
Ulin: Thank you. In this demo you will be able to battle more goblins, but not as many as the last demo.
Merlin: OK. More gobz. Check.
Ulin: As well as that, the enemy health bars have been added.
Merlin: OK. Enemy health bars. Check.
Ulin: The weapon selector has also been put in so you will now be able to choose from your punch and your energy blast.
Merlin: OK. Weapon Selector. Check.
Ulin: Finally, the five main powerups have been added.
Merlin: The Max Blast, Quick Blast, Increased Charge and Speed up Potions?
Ulin: And the medikit. Don't forget that.
Merlin: Yeah, that too.
Merlin: Well, goodbye!
Ulin: Try not to get killed, Merlin. Who will save the world then?
Merlin: Well, wasted.
Ulin: yeah, that's what I meant.
So what do you think of that?
Relationships with other suggestions
steve says this suggestion is an alternative to MR Demo V.5steve says this suggestion is an alternative to Proper speech for demo 5
That sounds pretty good to me.
.......................................JUDGE TIME!.................................................
you got a really good sense of humor over here yes it's pretty good and its a little TOO you can see in steves demos all short and medium diologues move at the same speed while long diologues are slow...imagine if you wanted ulin to say:"no but you can..."in just 1.5 secs the diologue would end in 2 secs
story sense:0/10 the story in this demo doesn't make sense...jeppo ulin would only say who would save the world then? if theres a chance that merlin will actually die but not wasted(which means unlimited lives).other then that you dont give much speech to merlin about how much hes excited or bored about new features.
similarity to other demos(STOD):-2/10 there's a huge difference between steves(and mines) you may have noticed you and most others's demos have a TON of comic mischeif like (steve shoots lightning at flatorin(what ever his name is)and says no guns!
P.S no? perhaps a little old then? foelin drops a 100 ton weight on merlin %+300 comic mischief.
overall:altogether i give this a 1.
you got a really good sense of humor over here yes it's pretty good and its a little TOO you can see in steves demos all short and medium diologues move at the same speed while long diologues are slow...imagine if you wanted ulin to say:"no but you can..."in just 1.5 secs the diologue would end in 2 secs
story sense:0/10 the story in this demo doesn't make sense...jeppo ulin would only say who would save the world then? if theres a chance that merlin will actually die but not wasted(which means unlimited lives).other then that you dont give much speech to merlin about how much hes excited or bored about new features.
similarity to other demos(STOD):-2/10 there's a huge difference between steves(and mines) you may have noticed you and most others's demos have a TON of comic mischeif like (steve shoots lightning at flatorin(what ever his name is)and says no guns!
P.S no? perhaps a little old then? foelin drops a 100 ton weight on merlin %+300 comic mischief.
overall:altogether i give this a 1.
The reason that I didn't put comic mischief in this dialogue is because Steve hasn't done so in the past demos and probably won't do in future ones either. The dialogue between Rapunzel and the Knight didn't contain any comic mischief either so it makes me believe that (to put it blunt) Steve can't do it at the moment (sorry if I upset you, Steve). In my opinion, we know that the characters can talk. Steve showed us that in demo 0.02 that the characters can talk to each other so in these future demos we are really testing out the new bits, not the dialogue. We've tested out them in an earlier demo, so I don't think we should dwell on scripts and dialogues too much for the time being as none of the dialogues will probably be in the final game.
Other than that, I do value your honest opinion and I will bear this in mind if I submit any future dialogues.
Other than that, I do value your honest opinion and I will bear this in mind if I submit any future dialogues.
Jeppo: No you're absolutely right, and I'm not upset (sniff, sob, etc). The script engine only handles speech at the moment. I am hoping to add walking and the ability to produce, drop and pick up objects at some later time, (and possibly even to fire spells) but I have no plans to add comic mischief abilities.
I think you should be able to play all the old demos after the game is finished, or something, so you can go back and see the old dialogue, some of it is quite classic.
Hmmm... maybe you're right. I'll start saving the old demo files.
you're mixed up jeppo! i didnt say you didnt put comic mischief i said you had alot of it.
hehehe. Should use.(With some edits)
Ya. A BUNCH of edits.
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Rating: 3.33 in 6 votes
Status: rate
Possible Dialogue between Merlin and Ulin for demo 0.05