This is a suggestion for one of our games. You may comment on and rate the suggestion here.
Game: mr3 (Change)Type: all (Change)
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The Suggestion...
(Optional - you can put this bit in or not: It shatters when killed. damaging anyone who gets hit by the debris, including enemies.)
HP: skeleton warrior x2
Size: Slightly bigger than a boulder monster.
Damage: Medium. About a fifth of merlin's health
Speed: Fast. Goblin speed x 2
Roadmapped by ♪
Child Suggestions
(later versions of this idea)Gargoyle Ver 2 | Rating: 0.00
I'd say the size is smaller than orcs, but otherwise it's good.
Well, wizards and gargoyles are both in the whole "Magical World" so I give you a 5.
If it falls on someone when it get knoked out of the air the should get hurt.
I like it.
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Rating: 4.29 in 7 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*