
This is a suggestion for one of our games. You may comment on and rate the suggestion here.

The Suggestion...

By: Jeppo on 2 Jun 2005
Rating: 4.29 in 7 votes
Status: rate | *In Roadmap*
mr3 | enemies | [Suggestion_1842]


A black, ugly monster made of stone which protects fortresses/castles etc. Jumps from wall to wall at high speed, damaging merlin and other friendlies who get in the way of it. Doesn't intentionally land on the ground. When hit, it falls to the ground and jumps back on the nearest wall.
(Optional - you can put this bit in or not: It shatters when killed. damaging anyone who gets hit by the debris, including enemies.)
HP: skeleton warrior x2
Size: Slightly bigger than a boulder monster.
Damage: Medium. About a fifth of merlin's health
Speed: Fast. Goblin speed x 2
Roadmapped by

Child Suggestions

(later versions of this idea)

Gargoyle Ver 2 | Rating: 0.00


2 Jun 2005 [comment_5665]
NEW! Lord_Murderer
I'd say the size is smaller than orcs, but otherwise it's good.

2 Jun 2005 [comment_5666]
NEW! MerlinRulez
Well, wizards and gargoyles are both in the whole "Magical World" so I give you a 5.

4 Aug 2006 [comment_15548]
NEW! revenge02
If it falls on someone when it get knoked out of the air the should get hurt.

13 Dec 2010 [comment_40677]
NEW! Phoenix
I like it.

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