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The Suggestion...

By: Nazgand on 21 May 2005
Rating: 5.00 in 4 votes
Status: rate
mr3 | power_ups | [Suggestion_1713]

summon potion Ver 2

a potion that increases the strength of merlins summoned allies(wont give him new monsters). nothing to much just increases Attack, Defense, Health, and Speed by 5%(if you think it should increase more or less than 5% than just post a comment, Steve will figure it out)

Parent Suggestion

(an earlier version of this idea)

summon potion | Rating: 4.56


22 May 2005 [comment_4981]
NEW! Lord_Murderer
What makes this different from the first version?

23 May 2005 [comment_5020]
NEW! Lord_Murderer
5%? Dude... it didn't take 20 maxblast potions to make the energyblast twice as big!

3 Jun 2005 [comment_5690]
NEW! Morsh
hmm check the votes

22 Jul 2005 [comment_8337]
NEW! alcalientre
Why not have the potion give merlin new monsters? You wouldn't need to increase the power of current monsters, you would just get new ones that were better. In MR2 max blast determined your monsters, but why not have max blast have no effect on summoning and have a seperate potion (summoning potion) that gave you more monsters that were more powerful?

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